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Piedmont City Council Meeting, June 7th

Piedmont City Council

Piedmont, AL – The Piedmont City Council held their regular meeting on Tuesday night, opening with prayer and the pledge of allegiance.

The first item of business was approving the May expenses in the amount of $334,711.39, as well as two weeks of payroll in the amount of $150,884.72, for a total of $485,596.11.

Dan Flanary, Plant Manager of CVG in Piedmont, as well as Don Hopper, Executive Director of the Calhoun County Economic Development Council were present at tonight’s meeting to discuss the expansion of CVG, which most residents know as Bostrum.  For full details on that story, click here.

City Clerk, Carl Hinton also discussed the council voting to extend the contract to legally pay the fire department $6,250 each month.  The council voted to extend the contract for 30 days, and will have a special meeting to discuss the negotiation process moving forward.

Piedmont Fire Chief, Mike Ledbetter gave the Fire Department Activity Report for April and May 2022.  Click here for the full report.

Chief Ledbetter also stated they are waiting on new radios to come in, as they have been having issues with the ones they currently have over the past few months.

The final item mentioned was an estimated cost to fund a bonus for City of Piedmont retirees in the amount of $31,504.  Mayor Baker stated that this wouldn’t need to be approved until September 1st, but wanted the council members to have a copy of it to look over before then.

Council Member Reports consisted of thanks to those that attended and participated in the meeting. Jubal Feazell of District 3 mentioned approving the final payment for the two promo videos for the city, in which the council motioned to approve.

The meeting was adjourned and the next Piedmont City Council Meeting will be held on June 21st in the Civic Center, due to it being election day.

Mr. Hommes is a reporter for WEIS Radio. (Information Provided by WEIS RADIO)

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