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Piedmont City Council Meeting

Piedmont City Council Meeting

Piedmont, AL – The Piedmont City Council met in regular session yesterday (11/01). The city bills for the month of October totaled $730,376.30.

The Council adopted Resolution 2022-28 stating that the construction of certain works required for the treatment and distribution of drinking water is desirable and in the public interest and to that end, it is necessary that action needed for the construction of water treatment and or distribution facilities be taken immediately. Under ADEM Administrative Code Chapter 335-11-2, the state of Alabama has authorized the making of loans to aid in financing the cost of infrastructure needed to achieve/maintain compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act.


The Council also adopted Resolution 2022-29 stating that the construction of certain works  required for the treatment of wastewater and/or storm water is desirable and in the public interest. Under ADEM Administrative Code Chapter 335-11-1 the state of Alabama has authorized the the making of loans to aid in the financial cost of construction necessary for wastewater treatment and transport works to prevent the discharge of untreated or inadequately treated wastewater.

Councilman Kiser encouraged citizens to exercise their right to vote on November 8th in the general election.

The Piedmont Trunk or Treat saw a large crowd this year. No candy went to waste as every single piece purchased for the event, was distributed.

Piedmont High School begins the play-offs this Friday night, and Mayor Bill Baker asked for citizens to come out and support The Piedmont Bulldogs.

Mr. Blake is a reporter for WEIS Radio. (Information Provided by WEIS RADIO)

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