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Piedmont City Council Receives Community Appreciation Awards, Approves Key City Improvements During Meeting

Piedmont City Council Meeting

Piedmont, AL – During the Tuesday evening Piedmont City Work Session, Police Chief Nathan Johnson took to the podium with a surprise presentation. Chief Johnson presented everyone on the Council a Community Appreciation Award. This included Mayor Bill Baker and Clerk Carl Hinton. This was on behalf of The Piedmont Police Department and The City of Piedmont.

The Regular Meeting began with Mayor Baker informing the Council the operational expenses the past two weeks were $530,396.82, which included two weeks of payroll. The bills were approved for payment.

Tim Frost, Piedmont’s Street and Sanitation Supervisor, discussed the situation with his department. Frost made it very clear to the Council he needs a replacement immediately in his department. The Council realized the urgency to be proactive and unanimously approved a replacement employee to be hired very soon.

The Council discussed two different abatement Resolutions in which both were at different locations that the grass needed to be cut and other clean up situations. The Council adopted both Resolutions.

Johnson gave the Police Report for August. The Piedmont Police had a total of 30 arrests with 30 Misdemeanor charges and 4 Felony Charges. He also stated there were 30 total Abatement cases.

Fire Chief Todd Kirkland gave the Fire Report for August. There were 88 incidents.

City Clerk Hinton told the Council the Civic Center is almost completely finished and new meters are being installed around the City. The surplus items the City of Piedmont had on govdeal.com has generated over $ 200,000 so far at this time.

In Mayor’s comments, Baker is very thankful for the city employees and happy for the awards everyone received. He also stated many things are happening in Piedmont that are very good for the future

The next City of Piedmont Council Meeting is October 1st.

Piedmont City Council Meeting  Piedmont City Council Meeting

Piedmont City Council Meeting  Piedmont City Council Meeting

Piedmont City Council Meeting  Piedmont City Council Meeting

Piedmont City Council Meeting


Mr. Demarco is a reporter for WEIS Radio. (Information Provided by WEIS RADIO)

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