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Piedmont Police Chief Responds to Dog Shooting Incident

Piedmont Dog Shooting

Piedmont, AL – The Calhoun Journal has received numerous inquiries regarding a recent dog shooting involving an off-duty Piedmont police officer. In response, Police Chief Nathan Johnson has issued a detailed statement addressing the incident and the subsequent investigation.

According to Chief Johnson, the off-duty officer was at his residence, not in uniform, and was not working at the time. The incident occurred when a 45-50 pound black dog entered the officer’s front yard while he was outside with his own dogs. The officer’s smallest dog barked and chased the black dog out of the yard, but the dog soon returned, reportedly displaying aggressive behavior.

The chief stated, “Attempts were made to run the dog off, including kicking at it to disengage.” However, the dog allegedly re-engaged and moved aggressively toward the officer’s other two dogs. At this point, the officer fired a single shot, after which the black dog retreated approximately 150 yards to its home on another street.

Chief Johnson emphasized that a thorough investigation was conducted, and the findings were reviewed by the court without identifying the involved parties to ensure impartiality. The court determined that the case lacked any criminal element or intent, citing the dog’s aggressive behavior on another person’s property and the actions taken as justified under the circumstances.

“The investigation has been transparent with all parties involved, including their family members,” Chief Johnson noted, adding that the facts and statements from both sides were carefully reviewed.

The statement also clarified that Chief Johnson released this information through the media to ensure public awareness, as social media was not an appropriate platform for the response.

This matter continues to be a topic of discussion within the community, and the police department remains open to addressing further concerns from the public


Piedmont Dog Shooting

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