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Piedmont Police Issue Social Media Warning of Scams

Social Media Scam Alert

Piedmont, AL – Chief Nathan Johnson shared via the Piedmont Police Facebook page that there have recently been reports of a very aggressive scam on social media apps such as Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, etc… This scam is not like any they have seen before. Chief Johnson stated, “It is absolutely terrible what these people are doing!” The scammers are reaching out to people connected on the apps and putting their profile picture next to a obscene photo. The senders will send a message demanding you send them money or they will share the pictures out to your friends and family. They are aggressively threatening to humiliate you if you don’t pay them. Currently the Piedmont Police Department along with other agencies are working to see what can be done about this to shut it down. Please be aware of this and be careful with who is trying to connect with you on these social media outlets.

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