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Piedmont Police Offer Assistance to Kids with Disabled Bike

Piedmont Police assist child with broken bike
Photo by Sean Stull

Piedmont, AL – On Sunday the Criterium Race was held in Piedmont. Officers were working in the area and received a call for suspicious people in an area off the Ladiga Trail. Officer Josh Parker and Sgt. Kevin West responded, and the situation was handled. As the two were returning from the trail they saw two kids on the side and one of the bikes appeared to not be working. Officer Parker learned that one of the pedals had come off and the kids were trying to repair it. Officer Parker returned to his vehicle and retrieved a tool kit and went back to repair the bike so it could be ridden home.

Piedmont Police Chief, Nathan Johnson, stated, “Our officers do this type of thing often, we just don’t post it often. When someone from the public takes the time to share what they see, we are humbled. Many people today think that the police are only here to make arrests and enforce laws, this is not true. We love to help citizens whenever we can”. The Chief was happy that these officers received the notice and said, “They deserve it. We are glad we could help, and I am proud of all of my officers”.

Officer Josh Parker is seen in the photo and Sgt. West was not in the frame. The Calhoun Journal would like to thank Sean Stull for sharing this photo and giving permission for us to share it with you as well. 

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