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Piedmont Unveils NewLighting System for Sports Complex

Piedmont unveils new lighting system for sports complex

Piedmont, AL – After the Piedmont City Council meeting was adjourned Tuesday evening, Mayor Baker surprised the audience with an invitation to join the council at the Piedmont Sports Complex to take a look at the brand new lighting system just completed.

The new lights are a state of the art LED lighting system which while initially more expensive than previous technology, will last much longer without needing maintenance. The LED system also provides a fantastic representation of normal daylight, as opposed to tungsten bulbs which result in a yellowish tone in the lights.


Mayor Baker said the lights just need a little final tuning and tweaking before they will call it fully set. This includes a planned additional light for the batting cage area.

Mr. Ivey is a reporter for WEIS Radio. (Information Provided by WEIS RADIO)

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