Work Session
- Call to order.
Jacksonville Work Session - Roll call.
- Tony Taylor – Present
- Andy Green – Present
- Terry Wilson – Present
- Sherry Laster – Present
- Coty Galloway – Present
- Acceptance of minutes. – No comments
- FY21 General Fund Audit- James Edgar.
James Edgar - Mr. Edgar gave an overview of the financial statements which were all in good standing. He did not have any concerns and they were able to issue a good opinion on noncompliance issues.
- Revised Agreement for Emergency Medical Services Training – Keith Kadle.
- Chief Kadle spoke about changing the signing contract for fire/paramedics from 2-3 years to 5 years. This will give a better return on investment for new receipts. All training is prorated and paid for by the city of Jacksonville so the linger they stay employed the less training has to be completed for new recruits. If an employee left prior to their contract time they would be responsible for the prorated about of training. At year four that is 66% and ad year 5 that is 33%. This would be a individual obligation and not the responsibility of any hiring agency.
- Jax-Fest – Janis Burns.
Janis Burns - Janis spoke about placing the order for the Jax-Fest fireworks. She also wanted to find out if the date would be Saturday the 2nd in July or Sunday the 3rd. After discussion it was decided to hold the event on Saturday so that an all day event could be planned. On the next agenda there will be a an exact amount presented to be voted on for fireworks.
- Cintas – Janis Burns.
- Mrs. Burns asked if this item could be tabled until to next work session. She also talked about the upcoming Golden Eagles celebration on the square. On April 3 at 2:30 pm there will be a parade for the State Champions and there will also be posters given away and the players will autograph them.
- Short-Term Rentals – Mark Stephens.
Mark Stephens - Mr. Stephens presented various cities ordinances, but after discussion with the council it was decided to remove the existing language restricting short-term rentals. If the issue grows they will reexamine it at that time. Currently there is only one known rental.
- JPWP#21-104, Mountain Street NE Widening Project.
- The current project has run into an issue. There is a water main that will be built over. The options are to build over it and with 4in concrete, move the main, stop the project all together. The majority 9of the project is funded with a $250,000 grant. The engineer has charged $57,500 for the plan and inspection. After much discussion it was decided to bid the project out without moving the water main, but include that as an addendum to know what the cost would be. Once those bids are received in a decision will be made.
- Any other business.
Laura Humphreys - Laura Humphreys, one of the owners of Red Bird Coffee, spoke about a possible solution for communication issues. She would like to host a think tank on the first Monday of the month open to residents, the council, and business owners to have a better understanding of upcoming events, issues, regulations… She is happy with the welcome she has received in the city and is impressed with many of changes she has seen take place, but she does feel there is still room for growth. She particularly wants a better understanding of events that are taking place so she can have approbate staffing and supplies and she wants a better understanding of who she should commute with on issues such as parking, re-striping, and dumpster issues.
- Councilman Tony Taylor spoke about the proposed change in pay structuring and COLAs to better commute with neighing municipalities. Retaining first responders and city staff has been an ongoing issue and he feels it may be better to start pay a little higher, but have less step increases along. It is a restructuring of pay. This is an item for a future meeting, but he wanted to present his ideas.
City Council Meeting
- Call to order.
- Invocation
- Pledge of Allegiance.
- Roll call.
- Tony Taylor – Present
- Andy Green – Present
- Terry Wilson – Present
- Sherry Laster – Present
- Coty Galloway – Present
- Adoption of minutes. – Unanimously Approved
- Adoption of agenda. – Unanimously Approved with additions
- Proclamation: – None
- Public comments concerning agenda items.
Manual Santana - Manual Santana owner of XHale Hookah Lounge spoke about the events that happened on February 28. He wanted to be accountable for the failures by security . He also wanted to to “plead for a chance to redeem myself not only to you guys but to the public.” He went on to list changes he has made and wants to make as well. **A full account of the hearing is here.
- Hearing regarding Revocation of all Licenses for JMK, LLC, d/b/a Xhale Hookah Lounge located at 1955 Pelham Road, S, Jacksonville, Alabama.
- Chief Marcus Wood spoke and share a presentation that included body cam footage, drugs seized, weapons seized, an accounting of violations, the agreement signed by Mr. Santana, and reports made by residents.
- Mike Reese with the ABC board also spoke about the refusal of entry. He stated this was a violation of ABC rules and that Mr.
Mike Reese with the ABC Board Santana would have hearing in Montgomery concerting that violation. He also discussed what he described as a “chaotic and scary scene” at XHale Hookah lounge. He was dismayed at the what could have happened if a fire had broken out. He was deeply concerned about the various violations.
- Consider action to accept the FY21 General Fund Budget as prepared by Edgar & Associates, LLC. – Unanimously Approved
- Consider action to approve the 2022 Farmers Market Rules and Guidelines and authorize the Mayor to sign the Agreement with Ms. Carol Miller as the Market Manager, per the attached. – Unanimously Approved
Chief Keith Kadle Consider action to approve the revised Agreement for Emergency Medical Services Training, per the attached. – Unanimously Approved
- Consider action to appoint Council Member Andrew Green as Voting Delegate and Mayor Johnny L. Smith as Proxy for the AMIC Annual Meeting on May 12, 2022, at 9:15 a.m. at the Alabama League of Municipalities 2022 Annual Conference. – Unanimously Approved (Councilman Green Abstained)
- Consider action to approve Council Member Terry Wilson as Voting Delegate, Council Member Coty Galloway as 1st Alternate and Mayor Johnny L. Smith as 2nd Alternate for the ALM Annual Business Meeting on May 12, 2022, at 10:30 a.m. at the Alabama League of Municipalities 2022 Conference. – Unanimously Approved (Councilman Galloway Abstained)
- Consider action to approve the members of the Senior Advisory Board, per the attached. – Unanimously Approved
- Consider action to approve the employment of the following: – Unanimously Approved
- Marshall Duncan, Senior Center Vehicle Operator, Range 3, effective upon compliance with Ordinance No. 273, due to the resignation of Kelly Ramsey.
- Kacie Elizabeth Blume, Public Safety Communications Officer, Rage 12, effective upon compliance with Ordnance No. 273 due to the resignation of Savannah Ervin.
- Travis Andre Morris, Jr., Municipal Court Clerk, Range 18, effective March 24, 2022 and upon compliance with Ordnance No. 273 due to the retirement of Angela Crane.
- Consider action to approve the reclassification of the following: – Unanimously Approved
- Alexander Brett Skelton, Firefighter/Paramedic, Range 11A, effective March 30, 2022, due to the resignation of William Cortlin Ingram. (Mr. Skelton is currently a Part-Time Firefighter/Paramedic)
- Jeffrey Christopher Cox, Firefighter/EMT, Range 11, effective March 16, 2022, due to receiving EMT state license.
- Consider action to acknowledge the retirement notification of the following: – Unanimously Approved
- Clyde Shew, Utility Maintenance Supervisor, effective May 1, 2022.
- Consider action to accept the following resignation: – Unanimously Approved
- Savannah Ervin, Public Safety Communications Officer, effective March 14, 2022.
- Consider action to rescind the following resignation: – Unanimously Approved
- Judson Blewster, Corrections Officer, effectively immediately.
- Consent Agenda – Unanimously Approved
- Budget Amendment Requests.
- Purchases over $7,500
- Disposition of Surplus Property.
- Requests to Attend Conference/Training with Costs Exceeding $1,000.00
- Public comments for general items.
- Manual Santana spoke and wanted to stress they “were not pushing the narrative of targeted investigation or discrimination or anything like that. It’s just a matter of security failing. It’s a matter of me asking for a chance to redeem myself in your eyes.” He did again lay out his plan for the changes he waned to put in place.
- Christopher Moore spoke was a DJ for XHale Hookah Lounge. He wanted to say that he was the one that brought in a bottle. He didn’t know he could do that and he would not do that again.
Christopher Moore - Olivia Santna spoke as as the wife on Manual Santana. “I just want to advocate on behalf of Manual after seeing all the hard work and dedication that he has put into this to make it successful for us and our family. I do want to address the comment that was made that we were operating illegally prior to getting the city license. We were instructed by ABC board that because we were outside the city limits that we did not have to have a city license we only had to have the county license which we did have at the time.”
Olivia Santana - A bartender for XHale Hookah lounge also spoke. She said that she doesn’t serve underage people, but their friends might buy them drinks. She also addressed the drugs and weapons left. She said they dropped them because they were afraid the cops would search them. She also explained they were selling bottles because it was cheaper for people to buy bottles vs shots and drinks and Pure Nightclub does it so she thought it was ok.
Bartender at XHale Hookah Lounge
- Council Member Remarks.
- Sherry Laster wanted to mention it was Women’s History Month and to celebrate those accomplishments.
- Andy Green want to congratulate Jacksonville on their Stat4e Championship win.
- Tony Taylor wanted to say how much the city would miss Ms. Angela Crane.
- Mayor’s report.
- The Mayor also wanted to congratulate the Jacksonville Golden Eagles on their win.
- He wanted to thank Ms. Crane for her dedication and hard work.
- He wanted to remind all that Good Friday is a holiday and the city offices will be closed on 4/15.
- He also wanted to mention Take Pride in Jacksonville on 4/16.
- Any Other Business. – None
- Consider a motion to adjourn into an Executive Session under the provisions of the Code of Alabama Section 36-25A-7(a)(3) to discuss with the City Attorney a certain matter not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. – Unanimously Approved