Happening Now

Wednesday September 8, 2021 

Also September 15th and 22nd

8:00 am – 10:30 am

Public Event 
This small business course is offered to Chamber Members for a $25 fee. For more information, please contact [email protected]
Day 1:
-Welcome and Role of the EMA
-Intro to Business Continuity Management (BCM)
-Know Your Risk and Operations
-Download Open for Business (OFB) app and start discussing BCM plan
-Supplies will be provided: Chart paper, OFB-EZ forms package
Day 2:
-Review of the BCM and associated processes
-Fire Prevention and Fire Code
-Law Enforcement and Physical Security Considerations
-Financial Preparedness
-Business Continuity Management – Training and Exercises
-Review progress on OFB-EZ plan and homework assignment
Day 3:
-Review and discussion of BCM plan
-Cyber Security and Preparedness
-Crisis Communications
-Review Completed Plans
-Present Certificates
Guest Speakers and Presenters:
-Myles Chamblee, EMA Director
-Jason Brown, City of Anniston Fire Marshall
-Ken Grissom, Small Business Development Center, JSU
-Matthew Wade, Calhoun County Sheriff
-James Poe, Calhoun County IT Department
-Jackson Hodges, City of Anniston PIO

For more information please contact the organizers. For a full list of local events click here