Saturday, December 11, 2021
3:00 pm
Redbird Coffee
Santa has checked his list twice, and Jacksonville, you have been very good!
Next Saturday, December 11 from 3pm until everyone has had a chance to talk to him….
James Spann has given us inside information that another winter storm may be headed our way.
And you never know what other Christmas magic might happen… just BELIEVE!
Redbird Mission: We are a company that seeks to change our city, the coffee market, and our world for good through the Kingdom of God, a devotion to community, and honor for excellent coffee. We are committed to serving the highest quality product possible first to display the coffee farmers product well but also for our local customers in Jacksonville, AL. We cannot wait to meet you all in our Coffeehouse and we pray that it feels like home for you. Welcome to THE Redbird family!
For more information please contact the organizers. For a full list of local events click here.