Piedmont, AL – On Saturday, May 13th from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm the Second Annual Piedmont Strawberry Festival will be held on the Chief Ladiga Trail. This is a free family friendly event open to the public in beautiful downtown Piedmont, AL. Shop local farmers, vendors and food trucks. Listen to a free concert. Participate in the cornhole tournament. Let the kids join the Strawberry Dash. Best Strawberry desert contest and much more. To see specifics of parking,
Cisco Fagan is responsible for the the artwork for this years Strawberry Festival! Attendees will be able to get festival stickers and shirts with the artwork at this years Piedmont Strawberry Festival on the Chief Ladiga Trail.
11:00 am Opening prayer, presentation of Colors, Pledge of Allegiance, Welcome and Austin Bishop Music Begins.
12:00 pm Deadline for dessert competition, Registration for cornhole opens.
1:00 pm Cornhole competition beings, Best booth contest winner is announces, Logan Graves Music begins.
2:00 pm Winner best strawberry dessert contest is accounted, Gavin Bass music begins.
3:00 pm Winner best cornhole competition announces, Sam Holland music begins.
5:00 pm Festival entertainment ens and vendors may start packing up. Food Trucks will stay for last dinner rush.
6:00 pm Festival is official over and more music and entertainment begins at The Place Downtown.
Cornhole and Dessert Contest Rules:
Parking Guide:
Vendor Map: