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Sheriff Supports Proposal for Tag Fee Increase to Assist in Funding Shortage

Sheriff Requests for Tag Fee Increase to Assist in Funding Shortage

Calhoun County, AL – At Thursday’s County Commission meeting sheriff Matthew Wade addressed the Commissioners during the elected official’s portion of the meeting. He started by thanking the commission for all they have done and noted he had to make a list of all the numerous items they have supported. He gave an update that many of the new cameras are in place and have currently collected 50,000 data points. He mentioned out they are being used in a current criminal investigation of wire theft at one of the County 911 sites. He also highly praised the commission for their support on the the jail renovations. He acknowledged that in many ways our modern jails are mental health facilitates and that the jail, prior to renovations, is not in a position to truly meet the needs of those that come through the doors. He also talked about the loss of revenue from the legislature change in gun permits. He noted that the Sheriff’s department puts over 2 million miles on its vehicles every year and because of this vehicles do not have a life span of over ten years. The current cost to add ten new vehicles each year is $500,000 and that is at today’s prices. The cost for body cams is roughly $200,000 a year. Those two items alone are difficult with the current budget constraints. He directly stated that in 27 years in law enforcement and his six years as Sheriff he has never seen a situation like the current one. The ability to hire and retain employees is at an all time low and low finances are just one part of the problem. “We want first-rate people who will help us,” the Sheriff said. “We want professionals who do the right thing and behave at a higher standard.” While he acknowledged that money alone will not fix everything it is a major step. He is strongly supporting the proposal of Representative Randy Wood for a $2 increase on all vehicle tags purchased in Calhoun County. That $2 would go directly to the Sheriff’s department budget.  This is a small amount that is spread out on all in the County versus a targeted segment. There are approximately 130,000 tags sold so the total increase in budget would be $260,000. This amount would not replace the lost revenue from permits, but it would be a step to help.

The Sheriff formally submitted a letter to the commissioners asked them to support this change. This is an issue that must go before the legislature prior to any action being taken by the commissioners. If the legislature approves it then the commissioners would have the opportunity to act. The Calhoun Journal had the opportunity to speak to several of the commissioners on their thoughts of this proposal. Commissioner Patterson stated, “We appreciate the Sheriff’s diligence and hard work to keep the county safe. I personally, and the commission as a whole, have always tried to support the work he is doing. When this matter comes before the commission we will review it and make the best decision we can at the time.” Commissioner Henderson stated, “This is up to the legislature to pass. The Sheriff does a great job with the money he has. The people of Calhoun County deserve to be kept safe. That is my number one priority.” Commissioner Howell stated, “Obviously as commission we’ll be reviewing his request. The Association of County Commissions of Alabama (ACCA) has ideas on how to replace lost revenue from pistol permits also. The decrease in funds from the Sheriffs department will be big topic when the Legislative Branch goes back to work in the next few weeks.”

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Sheriff Wade has formally requested that the Commission support this proposal that will go before the State Legislature in the next few weeks.

Letter from Sheriff Wade to the Commissioners 

Sherriff Wade's Letter


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