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Teacher Stories from the “Treasure Our Teachers” Program Across Calhoun County

Supporting School Superheroes Martin’s Miracles Unveils Treasure Our Teachers

This year, Martin’s Family Clothing honored exceptional teachers through the “Treasure Our Teachers” program, which fulfilled classroom wish lists for selected nominees. Here are some inspiring stories from the program:

  • Blair Lacy: Inspired by his mother, Blair Lacy goes above and beyond for his students. His dedication includes wrestling in front of the entire school for a fundraiser, wearing glasses to help a student feel better about needing them, and staying after practices to offer extra lessons.
  • Ashley Bridges: An English and social studies teacher at the Alabama School for the Blind, Ashley Bridges is known for her compassion and infectious laughter. She helps students with multiple disabilities achieve their potential, volunteers at summer camps, and contributes to the school’s marching band.
  • Melissa: A science teacher at Alexandria High School, Melissa founded Cub Connections, a club that fosters relationships between typical and special needs students. Her commitment to inclusivity and her personal investment in both her classroom and the club make her a standout educator.
  • Abbie: A media specialist at WPMS and mother of two, Abbie faced immense personal challenges after her husband’s sudden illness and passing. Despite her grief, she continued to support her students with unwavering dedication and love.
  • Sonya Davis: An 8th-grade English teacher and former finance professional, Sonya Davis is known for her deep care and commitment to her students. She goes beyond the classroom, supporting students and families with care packages, hospital visits, and personal support, embodying her heartfelt message: “I love you, I mean it, have a good day, and be a good person.”

These remarkable educators were recognized for their extraordinary contributions to their students and communities.


Supporting School Superheroes Martin’s Miracles Unveils Treasure Our Teachers

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