News Release
U.S. Army Chemical Corps Regimental Association Plans Car, Truck, & Bike Show & Shine
Fund Raiser Set for June 15 at the Fort McClellan Credit Union, Golden Springs Location
Local members of the MG Watson Chapter of the U.S. Army Chemical Corps Regimental Association (CCRA) are planning a car, truck, and bike “Show & Shine” June 15 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
The Show & Shine, rescheduled from an earlier date in May, will be at the Fort McClellan Credit Union, Golden Springs location at 1010 Golden Springs Road, Anniston. Bright chrome and bold colors will be featured along with great food prepared on site by area Veterans and the Vulcan Corvair Enthusiasts Car Club. All proceeds go to State VA Homes and Veterans Community Programs.
Registration to show a car, truck, or bike at the June 15 Show & Shine is $20. There is no charge for spectators to walk around and be wowed by all of the vehicles’ bright chrome and bold colors. While owners will be showing off their favorite antique, and not so old, classic cars, trucks, and bikes, everyone is invited to enjoy Veteran-prepared bar-b-que chicken, hamburgers, hotdogs, and ‘sausage on a stick.’
The June 15 Show & Shine is sponsored by the U.S. Army’s Major General Watson Chapter of the Chemical Corps Regimental Association, the Fort McClellan Credit Union and Anniston’s own Auto Custom Carpets, Inc. The event is hosted by the Vulcan Corvair Enthusiasts of Birmingham, Alabama.
For more information about the June 15 Show & Shine at the Fort McClellan Credit Union please call 256-743-0082. Emails may be sent to: The Facebook page is: