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Weaver Announces New Public Works Director at City Council Meeting

Weaver City Council

Weaver, AL – The regularly scheduled City Council Meeting was held 6/13/2023 at 4:00 pm.

Work Session

Jonathan Ingram was announced as the new Public Works Director for the City of Weaver. His first official day will be June 29th; however he has already been on site and met the other public works team members. He has a grade four water certification.

The demolition project will be extended for three years. Six additional properties will be torn down. The Mayor has requested that a list of possible properties be created so the condemnation process can be started. In addition he will work with the East Alabama Regional Planning and Development Commission liaison to help locate potential project managers. There will also be a pubic hearing set up for any new demolition properties.

The Splash Pad part has still not arrived and there is not specific update. The splash pad will continue to be opened on Saturday and Sunday as well has holidays from 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm for use. Once the part arrive the normal hours of 10:00 am to 7:00 pm will resume.

The Russell Drive project is in the final stages and should have striping by next week.

Letters of support were written by Rep Randy Wood as well as by John Cooper, Director of the Alabama Department of Transportation, for grant money to go to repaving several more roads in Weaver. This is a part of the Rebuild Alabama Project. The grant amount is up to $250,000.

Chief Bush had no new items.

Chief Bunn wanted to give a Cable One Update. During the next billing cycle all internet bills will be consolidated into one bill.  He also explained that the State Forestry is offering additional ARPA funding up to $10,000 that he would like to apply to extrication equipment if received.

Councilmember Burns wanted to do something to formally recognize Nick Ledbetter for his success as a Calhoun County Golf Champion.

Councilmember McRae did not have any new items.

Councilmember Hamby wanted to note the large fire in Weaver and ask Chief Bunn if everything went well. He was able to update that all injured fire personnel were released same day.

Councilmember Bowles had no new items

Councilmember Summerlin wanted to share concerns with code violations on Parker Blvd and to also ask about the specific time table of correcting infractions. This matter is under review from a previously council meeting, but at this time there is 30 days to rectify any violations.

Chastity Whetstone had no administrative items to bring up.

Mayor Clendenning has applied for grant money to get rubberized pavement in the park.

There is also a grant for up to $150,000 that will be applied for to cover the pipe project.


City Council Meeting

  • Invocation
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Roll Call
    • Councilmember Clint Burns – Present
    • Councilmember Tim McRae – Present
    • Councilmember Cathy Hamby – Present 
    • Mayor Pro Tem Nick Bowles – Present
    • Councilmember Terri Summerlin – Present
    • Mayor Jeff Clendenning – Present
  • Agenda – Unanimously Approved
  • Minutes from May 23rd Meeting – Unanimously Approved
  • Minutes from May 30th Meeting – Unanimously Approved
  • Public Works new director was announced to begin on June 29th.
  • Chief Bush – No Report
  • Chief Bunn – No Report
  • Administration – No Report
  • Councilmember Burns Wanted to officially request recognition for Nick Ledbetter for his success in golfing.
  • Councilmember McRae – No Report
  • Councilmember Hamby – No Report
  • Councilmember Bowles – No Report
  • Councilmember Summerlin – No Report
  • Old Business – None
  • New Business – None
  • Mayors Report
    • Mayor Clendenning will be reaching out the to city’s attorney to draft legislation to exempt Weaver or possibly all Calhoun County from the sales tax regulation that prevents collection in the police jurisdiction.
    • The demolition project has been extended three years and will have new projects added to it.
    • There will be a public hearing for the Weaver Comprehensive Plan on June 27th at 4:00 pm.
    • Russell Drive should be completed with striping next week.
    • The Crosson Street invoice will be paid out once the bill is received.
    • A $150,000 grant for the pip project will be submitted by the end of the week.
    • A $250,000 grant from Rebuild American has been applied for and will hopefully be award soon. This will allow for more roads to be repaved in Weaver.
    • It is almost budget time so the mayor is asking all Department Heads to start working on their proposals.
    • There has also been a request to work on changing the code enforcement ordinance for habitual violators that would reduce the time they have to resolve issues. Councilmember Summerlin volunteered to spearhead this project and put together verbiage for review.
    • The new bathrooms are open. There are still some “punch-list items” to be taken care of, but they are open and functioning.
    • The splash pad will be open every Saturday and Sunday as well has holidays from 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm until the part is received.
  • Public Comments
    • Danielle Presley wanted to ask about the legal rules for riding horses on the road. She was concerned due to an accident where a horse got spooked and almost landed on her car. She also wanted to know the law on drinking why on horseback. The Chief explained that it is illegal to be intoxicated and a DUI can be issued, but there is not one container law that is applicable because it is not a motorized vehicle.
  • Adjournment – Unanimously Approved


Weaver City Council

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