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Weaver City Council Addresses Temporary Senior Center Closure

Weaver City Council

Weaver, AL – Weaver held the regularly scheduled City Council meeting on Tuesday, January 10th, 2023.


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  • Call to Order
  • Invocation
  • Roll Call
    • Councilmember Clint Burns – Present
    • Councilmember Tim McRae – Present
    • Councilmember Cathy Hamby – Present 
    • Mayor Pro Tem Nick Bowles – Present
    • Councilmember Terri Summerlin – Present
    • Mayor Jeff Clendenning – Present
  • Adoption of Agenda – Unanimously Approved
  • Adoption of Previous Meetings – Unanimously Approved
  • Department Reports
    • Public Works Department – Joey Conger
      • The leaf vacuum has arrived and is in good working condition. Residents can now call in to have their leaves vacuumed. This is a slightly change in procedure as previously leaves had to be bagged. The director did stress that bagged leaves would still be picked up as well.
      • The limb truck should be operational by next week and the public works department hopes to begin working on addressing work orders that have been requested.
    • Police Department – Chief Bush
      • A written report was submitted.
    • Code Enforcement/Fire Department – Chief Bunn – No report
    • Administrative Department – City Clerk/Treasurer Chasity Whetstone – No report
  • Council Reports
    • Councilmember Clint Burns – No report
    • Councilmember Tim McRae
      • Noted that the property off of Russell Drive looks very good.
    • Councilmember Cathy Hamby – No report
    • Mayor Pro Tem Nick Bowles – No report
    • Councilmember Terri Summerlin – No report
  • Old Business – None
  • New Business – None
  • Mayor’s Report
    • The bathroom project has started. The completion date is set for the end of March or beginning of April.
    • The Mayor also thanked all those that attended the employee lunch and thanked Chief Bunn and others from the fire department who grilled the steaks.
    • There is an upcoming event for the Weaver Band, but the dates and details are not set at this time.
    • Commissioner Terry Howell contacted the Mayor to possibly considering changing the road in front of the high school to be named after Gene Taylor. The Mayor felt this would impact too many to warrant the change, but there is an unnamed road behind the high school that can be named and dedicated to Mr. Taylor. The details of this change will completed between the council and the county commission.
  • Public Comments
    • Greg Pierce spoke concerning street signs in the Shannon Hills area. He was told by Director Conger that the signs have already been ordered. Mr. Pierce also asked about a property at 605 Parker Blvd. Chief Bunn stated that this property was already being looked at and also requested to speak to the Mayor after the meeting regarding this property. Mr. Pierce also confirmed that leaves can be left loose. This was confirmed, but the procedure of calling in a work order was still in place just like for picking up bagged leaves.
    • A resident requested an update on a water leak from December that caused a large water bill. He was told by the Mayor that is matter was still being looked at.  There were also questions about a landlocked property that the city is considering selling. It was explained by the Mayor that there would be a public offering of this property and that it was still being reviewed by the city attorney.
    • Jakob Williamson from the Chamber of Commerce requested updated contact information from the members of the council.
    • Thalma Kyner director for the Weaver Senior Center spoke regarding concerns from many seniors about the closure and that the city might be planning on closing the facility permanently. Mayor Clendenning addressed the concerns and assured Ms. Kyner that was not the intention. The senior center is closed due to a bug infestation. The center has been bug bombed and also dusted with poison. The city can’t reopen the facility due to the poison and the bug issue. They are planning another treatment including treating the attic areas for next week. Councilmember McRae also volunteered to open the electronics in the kitchen to allow the exterminator better access. Once the treatments are successfully completed the senior center will be reopened. The Mayor also offered use of City Hall for the seniors to meet in and play games. This would be scheduled around court dates.
    • Greg Pierce spoke again and asked if the council was award of the United Way’s tax assistance program. They did confirm they were.
    • A mention was made by another resident that there was more trash on the Ladiga Trail. He wanted to make sure Chief Bush was aware of it. This was confirmed to be an issue on the trail in multiple cities.
  • Adjournment – Unanimously Approved

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