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Weaver City Council Continues Buckhorn Lake Discussion and Celebrates New Restaurant Opening Soon

Weaver City Council

Weaver, AL – The Mayor and City Council for the City of Weaver, Alabama, met for a regular scheduled Work Session and Council Meeting on Tuesday, June 14, 2022, at 4:00 p.m. in the Municipal Court Room at Weaver City Hall, 500 Anniston Street, Weaver, Alabama.

Work Session

CEI Services
  1. SRF grant funding for water projects.
    1. Chuck Chitwood with Canyon Engineering spoke about the pre-application for the State Revolving Funds (SRF) grant. The next step would be to move to the application phase and he needs the council to authorize that application This would 1.8 million dollar project and ADEM would forgive 50% or $920,900. The rest would be financed with an interest rate of 1.99%. The would put payments at roughly $3,800 and would come from the maintenance fund. The expected timeline would be one to one and half years before work actually began.
  2. Medical variance request for a property on Cedar Springs Road.
    1. Chief Bunn reminded all the council members about this request. The planning commission did make their recommendation to not grant it. They felt that it would start a bad precedent and would be unfair to others who have not been allowed to to have exceptions made to this ordinance. They also notes that no medical reason was given why this exemption was needed or how it was medically necessary. The reason provided was primarily proximity to family.
  3. Rezoning Buckhorn subdivision current phase.
    1. Three public hearings have been held regarding this matter. The council confirmed that all procedural steps have been taken and fully fulfilled. No further discussion was held.
  4. An update was provided on the houses that were removed from the demo list. They were all purchased by one group. The first house is set to be completed within 3 weeks. The other properties will be started after the 1st one is completed.
  5. Relocation of polling place for elections.
    1. Mayor Willis spoke with Judge Martin. She explained that the County Commission would be the ones to decide if the polling location was moved. Mayor Willis will get a package together to present to the Commission including the reasons for the move, pictures of the facilities, parking, and a letter of support from the church that currently is the going location.
  6. Picnic tables for the park shipping July 14.
    1. Mayor Willlis updated on the shipping dates. He was not sure if they would need to be built upon arrival.
  7. Police department written report for May 2022.
    1. Report provided to council members
  8. Fire station ribbon cutting July 2022.
    1. Chief Bunn will get a detailed list of what is remaining and the costs for all remaining items. The wish of the Mayor is to have a grad opening at the end of July. Chief Bunn felt this was possible with extra hands or funding.
  9. Councilmember Hamby inquired about process to request a speed limit sign.
    1. The request would need to go to Public Works and and Chief Bush would determine the best location, but the process of simply posting a speed limit sign is not involved.
  10. Public complaint from Buckhorn resident about sediment in water.
    1. A discussion was held on the type of heater, in this case a tankless heater, and how that could be a contributing factor. This is not an issue for neighbors. Pubic Works director did acknowledge that the city’s water is hard and there will be calcium buildup, but the only solution is a mutual-million dollar overhaul that most likely isn’t financially possible at this time.

City Council Meeting

  • Call to Order – Mayor Wayne Willis called the council meeting to order.
  • Invocation – Councilmember Burns gave the invocation.
  • Pledge of Allegiance – Mayor Wayne Willis led the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.
  • Roll Call
    • Councilmember Clint Burns – Present
    • Councilmember Nick Bowles – Present
    • Councilmember Cathy Hamby – Present
    • Councilmember Tim McRae – Absent
    • Mayor Pro Tempore Clendenning – Absent
    • Mayor Wayne Willis – Present
  • Adoption of Agenda – Unanimously Approved
  • Adoption of Previous Meeting Minutes – Unanimously Approved
  • Department Reports
    • Public Works Department – Director Joey Conger – Mr. Conger requested approval to move forward pursuing a State Revolving Funds grant for water projects including a tank and pump station, a pump station at the Anniston meter, Well#2 upgrade, and Well#3 upgrade. Councilmember Hamby made a motion to allow Mr. Conger to proceed.  – Unanimously Approved
    • Police Department – Chief Wayne Bush – Chief Bush reported that he provided the police department written report for May 2022.
    • Fire Department/Code Enforcement – Chief Brian Bunn – Chief Bunn reported that he received a request for a medical variance for a parcel of land located within the city limits on Cedar Springs Road, and the planning commission, at their meeting on May 25, 2022, voted to recommend the petition be denied. Following discussion, including the owners’ comments, Mayor Willis asked the council’s wishes.  No motion was made, and Mayor Willis announced the matter died.  The owner informed the council that he will be pursuing disannexation. – No Motion Made
      • The owner of the property questioned why the County GIS map showed his property outside the city and and why the maps on the city’s website didn’t show the exact lines. It was explained that the only certified map comes from the East Alabama Planning Commission and that the city was unaware of the discrepancies until this issue came up. This prompted them to look at the certified maps to determine the exact plot information. The owner then challenged that the only reason this was happening was to protect the property values of Lake Buckhorn. It was explained that Buckhorn was not a part of the discussion. The ordinance has been in place much longer then the Buckhorn Community has been in existence.  It was also explained that previous owners had to remove a tiny house because it violated the same ordinance. Councilmember Hamby noted that her primary motivation was consistency for all and that the council could not justify this exemption without setting a precedent for other such requests. The owner expressed interest in disannexation and was provided the steps to do that.
    • Administrative Department – City Clerk/Treasurer Chasity Whetstone – Mrs. Whetstone had no report. Mayor Willis reminded everyone to be thinking about budgets because he plans to begin budget talks in August 2022. – No report
  • Council Reports
    • Councilmember Clint Burns – No report
    • Councilmember Cathy Hamby – No report
    • Councilmember Nick Bowles – No report
  • Old Business
    • Buckhorn Lake Discussion – Mayor Willis opened the floor for public comments on the matter, and Justin Dutton commented that he started a petition and requested clarity on the matter. Mayor Willis explained that the city owns just the lake where there is no parking and the structures around the lake are deemed hazardous; his recommendation is to move the playground to Elwell Park and make a gravel parking lot in its place. Councilmember Bowles spoke as well, stating that he wishes for a full council to discuss the matter.  Mayor Willis did acknowledged that over the last few meetings there had been many discussions including selling the lake, returning it to the original donator, and retaining the lake. He also acknowledged the current state of the pavilions is not good and that this was not well thought out when the donation was accepted.  The main thing the council stressed was that no decisions would be made without more discussion. Coucnilmember Bowles stated that if the council wishes to no longer retain ownership he would like a public forum to be held before a vote was taken. Mayor Willis reported that there would be no surprises as there are more discussions to be had.  – No action was taken.
    • Ordinance#2022-03 – Rezoning Current Phase of Buckhorn Subdivision – Mayor Willis introduced the ordinance explaining that this would allow the developers to build homes on smaller lots. The business went before the city’s planning commission on May 25, 2022, and the commission sent a letter to the council in favor of the rezoning. – Unanimously Approved
  • New Business
    • Resolution#2022-03 – The Nest Bar and Grill, LLC Alcohol Sales – Mayor Willis introduced the resolution and asked if anyone was present to represent the applicant. Gail Veal and Heather Benavides were present and answered questions from the council.  – Unanimously Approved
      • The restaurant will be a Southern Food Restaurant with a hot bar as well as traditional fare such has hamburgers, pasta, and wings. The Date for opening is set for the beginning of July and the intention is for the bar to be open from 11am to 2am. The bar would serve beer, wine, and liquor. The issue of security was addressed. The owner and manager both stressed that if they were holding an event they planned to have security inside and out depending on the needs. They want to prevent any issues and let patrons know that this is a safe environment. The new restaurant will be located at the former Hero’s/Jo Jo’s location. The Council sincerely wished them the best of luck while also acknowledging previous issues with past establishments.
    • Alabama Act#2022-229 – Retiree COLA – Mayor Willis introduced this business explaining that the council has until August 31, 2022 to decide their option to elect, by resolution, to pay approximately $5,204 for a one-time lump sum COLA to city retirees. Following some discussion about budgeting for the item, Councilmember Bowles made a motion to table the matter.  – Motion to Table Unanimously Approved
  • Mayor’s Report
    • Picnic tables for the park are expected to ship July 14.
    • Mayor Willis spoke with Alice Martin regarding moving the local polling place from the Weaver First United Methodist Church Family Life Center to the city’s meeting center and was informed that this decision is made by the Calhoun County Commission. He will submit a proposal to the commission within the requirements of 90 days prior to the next election.  Councilmember Bowles mentioned that the church members are also in favor of the relocation of the polling place.
  • Public Comments – No Comments
  • Adjournment – Unanimously Approved




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