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Weaver City Council Creates Pet Cruelty Draft City Council Meeting 3/22/22

Weaver Meeting

Work Session

The Mayor started the work session with an update on a property sales agreement. After speaking to the city attorney a ordnance will need to be drafted with three components. 1.  Description of the property must be included. 2. A designation that the property will not be for public use. 3. A an agreement must be made allowing the Mayor to deed the property to a buyer. This property is not required to be bid out and can be advertised in any location of the city’s choosing.

The Russell St demolition process is waiting on an appraisal from the probate court. It was evaluated by the city at a $6,500 value, but the probate court must do an independent valuation.

The concrete pads for the pavilion has been completed and the concrete pads for the disc golf t-boxes will be completed this week. The pavilion materials have been ordered and are estimated to arrive within two months.

The splashed is complete other then electrical and the faint pressure test.

Tables for the splashpad and pavilion have been priced out at $629 for wood and $742 for metal. After discussion the council has decided to add to the agenda an authorization to order a total of seven metal tables. Three would be for three for the splashpad and four for the new pavilion.

Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) has made a rule that by 2024 the city must identify all material for water pipes from the letter to the house. This includes lines on private property. This averages approximately addresses being done a day. If a property owner signs a affidavit on the materials used ADEM will accept that. If no affidavit is provided the city would have to dig to the lines to determine the materials.

The ADEM inspection was held last Friday and they city passed in all areas.

Councilman Burns spoke to Coach Fulmer about his designs for signage for the Wrestling team.

A citizenship award and proclamation is still being designed for Timberly McRae for her role in saving a man’s life at JSU.

Councilman Clendenning gave an update on the road paving project. Asphalt should arrive within 3 weeks and the job should be able to be completed within the month. The bike trail project has been surveyed and plan will be created and submitted by the end of the month. The well at the school survey should be completed by the end of the week.

There will be grand openings planned for the splashpad and for the disc golf.

Proposals were submitted for a potential new vehicle for the police department.

City Council 

  • Invocation
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Roll Call
    • Councilman Clint Burns – Present
    • Councilman Tim McRae – Present
    • Councilwoman Cathy Hamby – Present
    • Councilman Nick Bowles – Present
    • Mayor Pro Tempore Jeff Clendenning – Present
    • Mayor Willis – Present
  • Agenda – Unanimously Approved with addition
    • Add under New Business authorization for the purchase of picnic tables
  • Minutes for Approval – Unanimously Approved
  • Department Head Comments
    • Public Works
      • The painter should be prepared to start on the well project soon and the ADEM inspection went well.
    • Administration
      • No comments
    • Police Department
      • Officer Hunter presented a proposal for a new vehicle. This would be to replace a 2013 Charger. The cost of a 2021 vehicle is $7,000 less than a 2022, but that have limited quantity. There was discussion had by Councilman Clendenning about a vehicle already being ordered. Officer Hunter clarified that this was a replacement of the vehicle totaled last year with an insurance payout of roughly $13,000. That vehicle already had a payment plan budgeted so the replacement vehicle would not be a new budget item simply a replacement of the totaled vehicle. The new vehicle they are asking to order would be a replacement for the oldest vehicle that is fully paid off. The older vehicle would then auctioned off. He also noted that one vehicle that is currently being paid for would be fully paid off this year as well.  He also mentioned that for the 2023 vehicle they have been told that the deadline to order is in May of this year. Any departments not placing na order by May would not receive a vehicle in 2023. The car would not be received in or payments started this fiscal year. After discussion a decision was made to look at the budget for the police department to make sure this wouldn’t exceed their budget.
    • Fire Department/Code Enforcement
      • Chief Bunn has applied for volunteer fire department grant for $10,330. The grant application has been received, but no apprval has been received as yet.
  • Council Comments
    • Councilman Clint Burns – No comments
    • Councilman Tim McRae – No comments
    • Councilwoman Cathy Hamby – A draft for the pet cruelty as been created, but more details will be given under old business.
    • Councilman Nick Bowles – No comments
    • Mayor Pro Tempore Jeff Clendenning
      • The road paving project is proceeding with asphalt arriving soon. This is for Anniston Stree, Crawson, and Maple and is just over $100,000. The pipe project survey has been completed and the plan should be done by the end of the month. They survey for the well should be complete by the end of the week.
  • Old Business
    • Pet Tethering and Animal Cruelty
      • A draft has  bene submitted to all city council members. It will be sent to the City Clerk to write up as an official ordnance and approved will be voted on at the next council meeting.
  • New Business
    • Authorization for the Mayor to purchase seven metal picnic tables not to exceed $55,000. – Unanimously Approved  
  • Mayor’s Comments
    • An ordinance will be created for the sell of property acquitted by the city through settlement.
    • The t-box concrete pad will be completed this week. m
    • The splashpad is complete other than electrical and a final pressure test. Landscaping will begin soon and donation in the amount of $1000 have been given to cover that expense.
    • Landscaping ideas for the disc golf area are needed to start that project.
  • Public Comments – No comment
  • Adjournment – Unanimously Approved



**Editors Note: The appraisal value stated in the meeting was $6,500 and an additional zero was added in the initial report due to a typo. The city’s attorney has clarified the exact amount was $6,300.   The change has been reflected in the above article. 

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