September 15, 2021
Lee Evancho
- Call to Order
- Invocation
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Roll Call
- Clint Burns – Present
- Tim McRae – Present
- Cathy Hamby – Present
- Nike Bowles – Present
- Jeff Clendenning – Present
- Wayne Willis – Present
- Adoption of Agenda – Unanimously Adopted
- Adoption of Previous Meeting Minuets – Unanimously Adopted
- Department Reports
- Public Works director Joey Conger was not present due to working remotely. Mayor Willis stated that the department was still understaffed.
- Chief Bush provided statistics for July 2021.
- Chief Bunn reported that he will be scheduling a planing commission meeting for an application to rezone Cave Hill Road property and an application to accept plots in Buckhorn Subdivision. He also gave an update on the new fire station that is tentatively expected to open by 10/31/2021.
- City Clerk, Chasity Whetstone, had no report.
- Council Reports
- Councilmen Burns had no report
- Councilmen McRae had no report
- Councilwoman Hamby had no report
- Councilmen Bowleshad no report
- Councilmen Clendenning made a motion to pay $500 from Gas tax funds on contract labor for two men to work on estimates for the road-paving project. – Unanimously Passed
- Old Business
- Pet Tethering
- Councilwoman Hamby made a motion to table the business until the next council meeting – Unanimously Passed
- Architecture for Park Restrooms
- Mayor Willis presented two building plan options for the restrooms. Option two was selected – Unanimously Passed
- CDBG Project #LR-CE-PR-19-010 (Demolition and Clearance Activities) Project Update
- Focused Construction Services, LLS provided via email an update on the two properties the city council added to the demolition project.
- Pet Tethering
- New Business
- Rebuild Alabama Fund- Annual Transportation Plan
- Major Willis presented a latter stating the city council plans to reserve the money unless a qualified road project arises. Following questions from the council about specifics that may need to be included in the letter, Mayor Willis recommended tabling the matter until the next seeing so the city attorney can review. – Unanimously Passed
- Resolution #2021-10 – Surplus of Police department Equipment – Unanimously Passed
- Resolution #2021-11 – Expenditures and Agreement for Provision of ADA Paratransit Services FY2022 – Unanimously Passed
- Agreement with East Alabama Regional Planing and Development Commission for Public Transit Services FY2022 – Unanimously Passed
- Rebuild Alabama Fund- Annual Transportation Plan
- Spirit of Weaver Committee Report
- Mike Warren spoke representing the Weaver Lion’s Club. He reported on the success of the annual Heritage Day Festival. On behalf of the Weaver Lion’s Club he also presented at $200 donation to Chief Bunn for the Weaver Volunteer Fire Department.
- Mayor’s Report
- Mayor Willis encouraged the city council to consider what role they will take in the upcoming Christmas parade and also asked the council to consider making donations to the marking bands who participate.
- Public Comments
- A citizen voiced their concert about the overnight parking on the road in the Buckhorn subdivision.
- Adjournment – Unanimously Passed