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Weaver City Council Takes on Leaf Cleanup at Work Session and City Council Meeting 2/22/22

Weaver City Council

Work Session

The first issue that the Mayor brought up was recognizing the Weaver wrestling team for their state championship. All council members agreed that some form of recognition should be made. The initial suggestion made by Councilman Nick Bowles was for a proclamation and plaque. Councilman Clint Burns has spoken to Coach Fulmer and felt a presentation at the school would be well received. The suggestion was made to have Councilman Burns organize redoing the current signs around town and make sure that new date was added as well. He was also suggested to coordinate with the principal and coach to work out a date to present a sign/plaque to the team and bring them pizza to celebrate as well.  A suggested budget to not exceed $500 for the signage was proposed.

The next item discussed was the purchase of a leaf vacuum. Public Works Director, Joey Conger, handed out a flier for a proposed vacuum. The flyer contained the pricing options and technical’s specifications. Mayor Willis did want to stress that a citizen brought a concern to him that they were unable to bag their leaves due to health concerns and that many elderly residents faced the same issue. Currently Weaver will pick up bagged leaves that are brought to the ditch and requested to be picked up. If purchased the new leaf vacuum would enable the city to drag the unbagged leaves from the ditch and then they would go into a device similar to a chipper. The Mayor voiced that this would be a nice service to provide to the residents of Weaver. It was also discussed that the public works department would work on a schedule to maintain the ditches and residents would not be required to call and request the service. The financing options were for four or five years. The Mayor and Mayor Pro Tempore both felt strongly that if purchased, financing should not be used. The purchase was suggested to come from the general funds reserve. There was some debate on the benefits of using the reserve, but the argument for was that the water system was going to require a large financial investment in the near future. There would not be enough funds to cover that costs in reserves so financing would be required. There was resistance to taking on more debt at the time when it wasn’t needed because that could impact the debt to income ratio the city had for future financing needs. If the purchase is approved the delivery time is expected to be 4-6 months.

The city has acquired property from the Borden Lawsuit. A discussion was held on if the city wanted to retain the property or sell it. After discussion the decision was made to sell the property contingent on all procedural requirements being met. This item will be added to tonight’s agenda.

The Mayor asked for a budget of $8,850 for a 30*35 ft concrete pad to prepare to add another pavilion at the park. These funds would come from the CARES Fund discussions were also held to authorize monies for a metal pavilion a well.

Mr. Conger wanted to update everyone on activity that would be taking place on Main Street. Due to a hole that has been reported they will be conducting some exploration into the hole to see how extensive the damage is and what needs to be done to resolve the issue. It may take an estimated 150 feet of concrete and pipework to resolve, but this is just an estimate. The hole is currently barricaded.

An update was requested on Russell Lane. The property is currently waiting on the final opportunity to resolve the issues and if not met a sign-off will be received for condemnation.

The drones have have been received by the police department and the Chief informed all that they are currently working on licensing.

City Council 

  • Call to Order
  • Invocation
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Roll Call
    • Councilman Clint Burns – Present
    • Councilman Tim McRae – Present
    • Councilwoman Cathy Hamby – Present
    • Councilman Nick Bowles – Present
    • Mayor Pro Tempore Jeff Clendenning – Present
    • Mayor Willis – Present
  • Adoption of Agenda – Unanimously Approved with additions
    • Authorization to move forward with the sale of acquired Borden property.
    • Authorization to fund monies for concrete pad
  • Adoption of Minutes – Unanimously Approved 
  • Department Reports
    • Public Works
      • All driveways and ditches have been completed as discussed at the last meeting. Nine were done in total.
      • The water assessment has been completed and the monies will be taken next week with the requested 2015 report in PDF format.
    • Police Department – no report 
    • Fire Department/Code Enforcement – no report
    • Administrative Department – no report
  • Council Reports
    • Councilmen Clint Burns – no report
    • Councilmen Tim McRae – no report
    • Councilmen Cathy Hamby – no report
    • Councilmen Nick Bowles – no report
    • Mayor Pro Tempore Jeff Clendenning – no report
  • Old Business – None
  • New Business
    • Leaf Vacuum – Approved with Councilman McRae voting Nay
      • Discussion was held on bid requirements for purchasing and options for other pricing. The final decision was to purchase in full with no financing using general fund reserves.
    • Recognize Weaver High School Wrestling Team 2022 – Unanimously Approved
      • Motion was made to authorize Clint Burns to order new signage for the city. This would include replacing the current signage of past championship wins that have faded and to get a new sign for the 2022 win. In addition a sign will be presented to the wresting team for placement at the school. A presention will be made at the school and and lunch provided. Expenses to not exceed $500 was approved.
    • Sell of Borden Property – Unanimously Approved
      • Following all procedural requirements being met the city will move forward with the sale of property acquired from the Bordan lawsuit.
    • Authorization for concrete pad and pavilion – Unanimously Approved
      • The mayor was authorized for a purchase not to exceed $16,000 for a 30*35 concrete pad and metal pavilion to be placed at the park.
  • Spirit of Weaver – no report
  • Mayor’s Report – no report
  • Public Comments – None
  • Adjournment – Unanimously Approved

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