Work Session
Chief Bush noted that he is looking to hire police officers and a dispatcher. A discussion was held on offering an incentive up to $2,500 for new officers. After much discussion it was decided that the council could looking into this option, but that it might not yield additional applicants due to Weaver’s pay scale being much lower than neighboring police departments.
Chief Bunn reported that the fire house project is still progressing. Work is slow, but steady.
Joey Conger mentioned that he has received complaints about Jacksonville Street and the need for gravel between the driveways and road. While the city is not responsible for driveway maintenance it is responsible for the right-of-way. Because of this it was decided that the city would spend the approximately $800 needed to repair this street.
Mr. Conger also reported that he had met with Chuck Cheatwood about the water supply permit that is that is due in 3 weeks. Mr. Cheatwood has completed the necessary work that for that permit. The cost for the permit is $3,750.
Councilman Clendenning requested to know what the required water grade is. It currently is 2 per Joey Conger, but it will be moved to a 1D.
Councilwoman Hamby has scrapped the tethering ordnance and is currently working on an animal cruelty ordnance instead. She is basing it of the city of Anniston’s current ordinance.
A discussion was held about the Methodist Church having a celebration of their 145th anniversary on July 17. Rev. Martin would like to hold a celebration in the park and invite the whole community. A suggestion was made to pair this event with a city sponsored kids movie night.
City Council
- Call to Order
- Invocation – Weaver First United Methodist Church Pastor Jimelvia Martin gave the invocation.
- Pledge of Allegiance – Weaver First United Methodist Church Pastor Jimelvia Martin led the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.
- Roll Call
- Adoption of Agenda – Unanimously Approved
- Mayor Pro Tempore Clendenning made a motion to adopt the agenda for the Tuesday, February 8, 2022, regular scheduled city council meeting with an amendment adding 8. Council Reports f. Calhoun County Commissioner Candidate Terry Howell and 9. Old Business a. Executive Session.
- Adoption of Previous Meeting Minutes – Unanimously Approved
- Department Reports
- Public Works Department – Director Joey Conger – No Report
- Police Department – Chief Wayne Bush – No Report
- Fire Department/Code Enforcement – Chief Brian Bunn – No Report
- Administrative Department – City Clerk/Treasurer Chasity Whetstone – No Report
- Council Reports
- Councilmember Clint Burns – No Report
- Councilmember Tim McRae – Councilmember McRae was absent.
- Councilmember Cathy Hamby – Councilmember Hamby reported that she will be working on an ordinance to address animal cruelty rather than just pet tethering.
- Councilmember Nick Bowles – No Report
- Mayor Pro Tempore Jeff Clendenning – Mayor Pro Tempore Clendenning reported that the disc golf course is being used and has had positive reviews.
- Calhoun County Commissioner Candidate Terry Howell
Terry Howell - Mr. Howell introduced himself and explained that he is running for Commissioner. He is a businessman and looks forward to working with the city. He also wanted to know what the relationship currently was between the city and the commission. It was explained that there is a lot of cooperation with the County Road Department. Mr. Howell thanked the city and stated he knew it would be a difficult campaign going against a seven time incumbent, but if he won he wanted to offer his assistance to the city.
- Old Business
- Executive Session – Mayor Pro Tempore Clendenning made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Hamby, to convene into executive session to discuss an individual’s reputation and character. The executive session ended, and the council returned at 5:40 p.m.
- New Business
- Director of Public Works Step Increase Motion Passed with the following vote: Councilmember Burns- Yea, Councilmember Hamby- Yea, Councilmember Bowles- Yea, Mayor Pro Tempore Clendenning- Nay, and Mayor Willis- Yea.
- Mayor Willis recommended increasing the pay by $5 per hour for Director of Public Works Joey Conger, effective immediately.
- Director of Public Works Step Increase Motion Passed with the following vote: Councilmember Burns- Yea, Councilmember Hamby- Yea, Councilmember Bowles- Yea, Mayor Pro Tempore Clendenning- Nay, and Mayor Willis- Yea.
- Spirit of Weaver Committee Report – No members were present, so no report was given.
- Mayor’s Report – Mayor Wayne Willis – Mayor Willis had no report.
- Public Comments – No comments
- Adjournment – Unanimously Approved