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Weaver High School Band Gets Recognition After State Championship Win

Weaver High School Band Gets Recognition After State Win-2
from L-R Councilman Tim McRae, Commissioner Terry Howell, Mayor Jeff Clendenning, Band Director Jared Holland, Councilwoman Terri Summerlin, and Alabama Senator Keith Kelley

Weaver, AL – In October of 2022 the Weaver High School Band won their first state championship. Today, January 23rd, 2023, Alabama Senator Keith Kelly, Commission Terry Howell, Mayor Jeff Clendenning, Councilman Tim McRae, Councilwoman Terri Summerlin, and others joined together to celebrate that win and add a permanent marker in the city. Senator Kelley stated to the Calhoun Journal that, “The Weaver band has a long tradition of excellence. Winning the state championship continues that tradition. Our community is enriched, and we are very proud of these students’ achievements.”

Weaver High School Band Gets Recognition After State Win-2

Weaver High School has a band of 115 members, and they proudly performed their winning show in Tuscaloosa where they took top rankings in the 3A group. The band also received the rating of “outstanding” for music and visual performance as well as for general effect. The theme of the wining show was “Teen Revolution”.

“This was new for us,” said band director Jared Holland. “We’ve never attempted to go to the state competition, but this group is special, and we have an awesome show.”

Mayor Clendenning stated, “The City of Weaver is proud of the Marching Band and Mr. Holland for all that they have accomplished. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication. You have set the bar high for next year and we wish you the best of luck. “

Councilman Tim McRae shared, “Congratulations to the Weaver band for their accomplishments in the 3A championship. I’m so proud to be from Weaver and for the band to keep Weaver on the map. It was an honor to be a part of the dedication this morning at Weaver High School.”

Weaver High School Band Gets Recognition After State Win-2

Band director Jared Holland shared earlier in the season that the band hard earned this win with their dedication, “We worked hard this year, and we put in a lot of effort and time. I am glad the judges recognized that.”

Commissioner Terry Howell, the county’s newest Commissioner, proudly attended the event and spoke to the Calhoun Journal to say, “Life is full of challenges, test and trials. This group that is seated in front of me has climbed to the top! As you move forward in life apply what you have learned. Thanks for your commitment to being the best!”

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