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Weaver Issues Proclamation to Wrestling Team at City Council Meeting

Weaver City Council Meeting

Weaver, AL – The city work session began with Mayor Pro Tempore Jeff Clendennig, Councilmen Nick Bowles, Councilmen Clint Burns, and Mayor Wayne Willis present. A discussion was held on possible ideas for incorporating the increase in sanitation services. The total increase was $7.95 per can. The discussion hinged on if the full amount should be passed to the residents immediately, at a later date, or even in staggered amounts. While no members were in favor of an immediate increase they did acknowledge that the city budget would not be able to absorb the cost. The unified idea seemed to be to announce the increase starting in June, but the city would absorb the cost until October 2022.

The next matter discussed was the proclamation for the wrestling team. Mayor Willis tanked Public Works director, Joey Conger, for getting the sign the came in today. He also asked Councilman Clint Burns to make the presentation since he was so instrumental communicating with Coach Fulmer.

The Mayor also noted that on the agenda was a resolution authorizing him to sign the sanitation agreement. There was no further discussion and Waste Management had the lowest big and was the current sanitation provider.

The matter of Buckhorn Lake was on the agenda, but Councilman Bowles felt it should be tables until all council members were present. He also reiterated that after the discussion a public forum should be held prior to any vote. All members agreed that a public meeting should be held.

Chief Bunn spoke about an issue with the fire truck. The truck’s casing is jumping out of gear. This means that while they are pumping it can just switch into driving gear. Depending on if the part can be repaired or requires a complete replacement the cost is estimated between $5,000 and $15,000.

Joey Conger wanted to update the city on a potential issue. There is a difficulty in getting in chlorine which is require for the water. Chlorine itself is not the issue. The is in the bottles it is carried in being hard to come by, this is a national issue, they also can’t just borrow or even buy some from neighboring areas because it cannot be legally transported in a vehicle that is hazmat complement. They are currently expecting a delivery next week. That shipment would last for 2-3 months. If that delivery is not made the city will have to make a decision on how to proceed.

Jimelvia Martin spoke during the break meeting the work session and City Council meeting. She is leaving her post at the The United Methodist Church. Sunday will be her last day. The new pastor will not be holding the celebration that had previously been announced in July. She wanted the council to be aware of that change. 

City Council Meeting

  • Call to Order
  • Invocation
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Roll Call
    • Councilman Clint Burns – Present
    • Councilman Tim McRae – Absent
    • Councilwoman Cathy Hamby – Absent
    • Councilman Nick Bowles – Present
    • Mayor Pro Tempore Jeff Clendennig – Present
    • Mayor Wayne Willis – Present
  • Adoption of Agenda – Unanimously Approved with one amendment
    • Amend: Move proclamation to the top of the agenda
  • Adoption of Previous Minutes – Unanimously Approved
  • Proclamation Recognizing AHSAA State Champions Weaver High School Wrestling Team
    • Councilman Clint Burns made this proclamation and presented the sign for the Wrestling room. Smaller versions of these signs will also be added to various streets in Weaver.
  • Public Work Report – None
  • Chief Bush Report – None
  • Chief Bun Report – The issue with the firetruck that was discussed in the work session was brought up.
    • A motion was made to authorize the Mayor to spend up t0 $15,000 to get the truck repaired. This motion was Unanimously Approved
  • Administrative Reports – None
    • Mrs. Whetstone was welcomed back and all commented odd Stephens on a job well done during Mrs. Whetstone’s absence.
  • Council Reports
    • Clint Burns thanked the council for the updated signs and the proclamation for the Wrestling team.
    • Nick Bowles – None
    • Jeff Clendenning – Requested an update on the homes that were removed from the demolition list. He wanted to know the code status. Chief Bunn stated he would have a report at the next meeting.
  • Old Business
    • Awarding Lowest Bid for Residential Solid Waste Collection and Disposal – Unanimously Approved
    • A motion was made for the city to absorb the cost of the $7.95 increase from June 1, 2022 to October 1, 2022. On October 1st the increase will be billed to the residents.
      • A Public Comment was made out of order because it related to this matter. Danielle Presley spoke and stated that she understood why the rates went up and that it is a national issue not a Weaver issue. She also thanked the council for prorating the increase until October to allow residents, herself included, to prepare for the increase. She also noted that nobody else was there so she hoped nobody complained.
    • Buckhorn Lake Discussion – A Motion was made to tabled until the next meeting so all Council members could be present to discuss this matter and schedule a public forum. – Unanimously Approved
  • Mayors Report
    • The Mayor will speak to Alice Martin about possibly moving the voting location from the Methodist Church to the community Center. This will just to be to determine what the steps are.
    • A sign with rules for the splash has been ordered and will be installed once it has been completed.
  • Public Comments – None
  • Adjournment – Unanimously Approved


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