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Weaver Makes Moves to Complete Fire Station at Work Session and City Council Meeting 3/8/2022

Weaver City Council Meeting

Work Session

Rijiv Myana and Shelby Peterson with the East Alabama Regional Planning Development Commission spoke regarding the comprehensive plan. The comprehensive plan is going to be a set of goals that is going to guide the city for the next 20 years. They explained that they would gather population data and create charts and graphs to show the city the status of the city through community facility sections. They will also give out surveys to different departments in the cities. The city’s transportation and environmental features will be examined as well last the status of streets,  roads, and the different environmental conditions in the city. Land use is going to cover how the land is being utilized in the city in a residential, commercial, industrial sections. With that information the next step is strategic planning. That’s where they will lay out the goals and objectives that the city wants to accomplish in the next 20 years. As a part of this process, the Planning Commission will be conducting a SWOT analysis. The council and planning commission will participate as well and they also encourage getting information from all the departments because the more information the better. The Planning Commission will also be conducting a public hearing to get public input and all that information will be used to help guide the goals and objectives and how this all breaks down the elements. The goal is to have the final draft in February 2023.

The next item discussed was that the concrete has been set for the disc golf and pavilion. It will be finished once the weather is dry.

The Russell Street demo project is signed and now waiting for the judge to give the final go ahead. There will be be approximately $30,000 left over and a portion of that should go to the sound deadening of the city meeting center. Quotes will be received so that an amendment can be made.

Cathy was not present so the tethering matter will be extended to the next meeting.

A request was made to remove Spirit of Weaver from the agenda until new volunteers are active.

Chief Bunn discussed the funding issues of the fire station. Currently they have $6,000 in the account that will cover paint, countertops, and cabinets. There will still be a need for $13,000 for heating in the bays and $12,000 for the drop ceiling. The council decided to add to tonight’s agenda up to $45,000 to be approved to complete the fire station project.

Joey Conger received a quote for mulch at the cost of $2,365. There is money to cover this, but he was not sure where the council would prefer to pull the money from. The council referred him to discuss this with the city clerk and decide what the best administrative decision would be.

Mr. Conger also discussed the road repair project that he has been looking into. It will require approximately 200 feet of corrugated metal piping. Several sections have already collapsed and will have to be replaced. A request was made to approve an engineering plan to be drafted so bids could be taken.

Clint Burns spoke about being approached regarding a water billing issue and that a resident may come in tonight.

Tim McRae wanted all to know that when the weather got better he would be organizing a Weaver Cleanup day to focus on trash and general cleanup.

Jeff Clendenning wanted to speak about a road project he would like approved and added to the agenda. The total cost would be $102,066.14 and would come from the oil trust and gas tax. The roads being repaired would be Maple Drive, Anniston Street, and Crossen Street.

A question was posed to Joey Conger on the cost of rocks to extend the trail and to possibly add a walking bridge. This is something Joey will look into, but it is a project that is not being started right now.

City Council

  • Call to Order
  • Invocation
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Roll Call
    • Councilman Clint Burns – Present
    • Councilman Tim McRae – Present
    • Councilwoman Cathy Hamby – Absent
    • Councilman Nick Bowles – Present
    • Mayor Pro Tempore Jeff Clendenning – Present
    • Mayor Willis – Present
  • Adoption of Agenda – Unanimously Approved with additions
    • New Project Paving and Roads
    • Fire Station Funds
    • Pipe Project Plans for Main Street
  • Adoption of Minutes – Unanimously Approved
  • Department Reports
    • Public Works – None
    • Police Department – The Civil Service board will hold a test for new police officers on 4/4/22.
    • Fire Department – None
    • Administrative Department
      • Reminded all council members that she needs the forms for the Economic package by 4/30/22.
  • Council Reports
    • Clint Burns
      • He will be meeting with Coach Fulmer this week to work out the details for the Wrestling recognition.
    • Tim McRae
      • When the weather improves he will be organizing a cleanup day for Weaver and asking for volunteers.
    • Nick Bowles – None
    • Jeff Clendenning – None
  • Old Business
    • Comprehensive Plan – Presented during the work session
      • East Alabama Regional Planning Development Commission Rijiv Myana
  • New Business
    • The Road and Paving project  – A package was given out with three roads and estimates.  Request is to authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement to remise the county for work done. The price estimate is $102,066.14, but may increase based on fuel costs. If the Mayor is authorized to sign the agreement for this estimate then the project can get started. Commissioner Hess will pay the bill through County funds and then get reimbursed. – Unanimously Approved
    • There is a request to allow up to $45,000 to be spent to finalize the fire station. These funds would come from the general savings funds. – Unanimously Approved
    • Propsal to allow up to $3,000 to the engineer to have a plan created for main street. This plan would then be used for bids. – Unanimously Approved
  • Spirit of Weaver – No report
  • Mayor Report
    • The Russell demo project will leave about $30,000 in funds remaining. The proposal is for some of those funds to go to sound deadening materials for the City meeting center. Councilman Bowles is working on getting estimates for that project.
    • The Russell Street project is waiting on the final judgment from the judge and then can be completed.
    • Concrete was laid for the disc golf t-boxes and pavilion.
  • Public Commets
    • Sharon Haugen spoke and said Y’all know who I am.  I’m now pleading with you to resolve the issues to get pet tethering and leashing ordnance passed. Other cities basically have passed codes that that it was illegal to tether a dog to any to anything.” Jeff Clendenning spoke and said that part of the issues was that the language said they can’t be on anything, but a leash and he is not for that. Not everybody can have a fence so people are going to have to tether a dog in some way. It just wasn’t written to be fair and just for all pet owners. Mrs. Haugen acknowledged that the original language was unreasonable, but she didn’t understand why it couldn’t be changed. She went on to add “I just want the dogs to certainly be in your mind in your hearts.” The council did remind her that if there are extreme cases there are state laws that allow them to go in now. If a dog doesn’t have shelter or food and water that can be looked at immediately. Mrs. Haugen explained that she had seen dogs that were cold and they were so weak. “I don’t think those people were ever allowed to get dogs. She just stated that she need the councils help. “I’ve been waiting for a year. Sure, surely, surely you can resolve this and not just wait for next time.” She also addressed that Councilwoman Hamby had missed several meetings and she didn’t think that was right.  Councilmen Bowles stated that obviously the council “wants to make sure we get the wording right. Lawmakers, even at the level that we are at on the city level, have to pass laws and do things that are for the benefit of everyone. We want to do the best thing for everyone involved. We know there are people out there that are not taking care of their dogs. We want to make sure that we’re not harming people who can’t necessarily afford it, but they are still taking care of their dogs. So we have to make sure the wording is correct because we are the ones that are liable if we don’t and in six months from now they’re the ones going to be standing there reading us the riot act because we didn’t. Then we have to go in and change it again. So we would rather do things right the first time.” He also addressed that Councilwoman Hamby had initiated this project and the weren’t just going to take it from her after she has done the legwork.  He also mentioned that one of the biggest issues is creating something that is enforceable and something that would not be creating other issues. Mrs. Haugen mentioned Gadsden has a no tethering ordnance, but the council reminded her that they also have the highest number of runaway dogs. She mentioned Anniston’s ordinances and Councilman Bowles was quick to say that it has not resolved the issue completely there either.  Mayor Willis did say they would put it on the agenda for next meeting and they would let Councilwoman Hamby know it would be on the agenda so a draft proposal would need to be prepared. He also stated that “hopefully we’ll get you some resolution. No guarantees. Thank you.”
    • Jasmine Clay Maddox spoke about issues with her water bill. Her name was placed on the lock list and she acknowledged she was late. The issue she is concerned about was that after she paid her bill in full and verified it as paid in full, a lock was placed on her meter and she was forced to pay an additional $50. She didn’t understand why the lock was placed after the payment was made. After much discussion the council agreed there should be a policy change where if an account was paid in full prior to the lock being placed a name was removed. It was also agreed her account would be credited with the $50.
  • Adjournment – Unanimously Approved

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