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Weaver Set to Lose $100,000 in Revenue as of June 1st – Weaver City Council Meeting

Weaver City Council Meeting

Weaver, AL – Weaver held the regular scheduled work session and city council meeting on Tuesday, April 24th.


Work Session

During the work session Public Works Director, Joey Conger reported that the cost of repairing driveway damage from recent storms would be $3,012. He also stated well four was not running and needed electrical work. Well three generator project is still moving forward, but may be may be two to three months out from funding then have a 60 week wait time for parts delivery. The new tank booster is still waiting for funding due to ADEM not receiving funds yet. The hope is that funding will be received in two to four weeks then the project can be bid. This is looking to be started late fall or the first of 2024. Finally he noted that a replacement picnic table has been ordered and will be invoiced out to the engineer or architect for reimbursement due to the original table being destroyed during the building of the bathrooms.

There was no report from Chief Bush (police), or Jody Stephens (admin), and Chief Bunn (Fire and Code Enforcement) was not present.

Councilmen Clint Burns asked about the wrestling dedication. He was informed by the Mayor that this would take place on April 26th at 1:30 pm at the High School. The Mayor and City Council would be presenting a $1,000 check to Coach Fulmer and a matching check would be presented by Commissioner Terry Howell.  It was also noted that Nick Ledbetter won the Calhoun County Golf Tournament and Councilman Burns requested that there be some form of recognition.

Mayor Clendenning mentioned that in addition to recognizing Mr. Ledbetter he would also like the council to create a Teacher of the Year and Coach of the Year award that would be presented at graduation. Both of these awards would be given from a pool of nominees that were voted on by their peers. The council would not nominate or vote on the winners.  It was also brought up that Kathryn “Kathy” McMinn is a Weaver Alumni who is also in the Alabama Sports Hall of Fame. He would like the council to have something to honor her achievements.

Councilwoman Cathy Hamby asked of someone wanted to open a business outside of the Weaver City limits, but was still in the Weaver Police Jurisdiction would they require a business license. Mayor Clendeinng explained that yet they would, but as of June 1st this would be changing. He went on to explain that in 2021 Act 2021-297 was passed. This act required an annual report to be sent to the state explaining all activity and revenue collections conducting in the police jurisdiction. He stated that the city was not notified of this nor were they told that a deadline was approaching so they did not prepare this report. This has caused Weaver to fall out of compliance along with Piedmont and Hobson City in Calhoun County and a total of 136 total municipalities in the state. Due to the language of the act once a municipality falls out of compliance it can never become compliant again. This would mean that Weaver cannot ever collect property tax, collect fire tax, or grant a business license to properties outside the city limits, but inside the police jurisdiction. This will cost Weaver approximately $100,000 in revenue a year. Mayor Clendinning did note that he had spoken to all the other Mayors in the County and they support new legislation that would give municipalities 24 months to comply instead of one. If this is passed Weaver would stay in compliance and retain these monies. It was also noted that Senator Elliott (original sponsor of the 2021 Act) has promised a filibuster and will attempt to block any attempt to change the act’s original language. The Mayor made a plea that all Weaver residents call Senate President Pro Tempore, Greg Reed, to request that Bill 351 pass. This is the bill that would allow Weaver and other municipalities to stay in compliance by extending the reporting deadline from 12 months to 24.  To email Senator Reed you can click on the link from his name.

Mayor Clendennig also gave an update on the bathrooms. Due to the elevation level it was built at the current septic system is not working. This has created the need to purchase a new pump at the approximate cost of $6,500. There was a lot of discussion on why this should be an expense of the city and not the engineer or architect. Mayor Clendenning stated that he wanted to keep the build on track for completion and that this cost would not cause the project to go over budget because contingency money had been allocated. There is the potential to sue for the expense, but legal fees could possibly exceed the cost of a new pump and there was not a guarantee of a win. At this time the bathrooms are set to be completed by the end of May which also coincides with the re-opening of the Splash Pad.

Mike Warren spoke about being approached regarding honoring Kathryn “Kathy” McMinn. He asked for permission to look into costs of getting signs created honoring her. The council did mention they had already discussed this, but had no issue with Mr. Warren also looking into it.

A representative from East Alabama Regional Planning came to speak regarding the comprehensive plan that has being in development. She wanted to focus on the economic side and laid out basic goals that the city could consider. No formal action was taken.

The City’s new website is set to be launched in May and is awaiting council and department heads to review and supply a few pieces of information. One completed the city will announce the new site.


City Council Meeting

  • Invocation
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Roll Call
    • Councilmember Clint Burns – Present
    • Councilmember Tim McRae – Present
    • Councilmember Cathy Hamby – Present 
    • Mayor Pro Tem Nick Bowles – Absent
    • Councilmember Terri Summerlin – Absent
    • Mayor Jeff Clendenning – Present
  • Agenda – Unanimously Approved
  • Minutes – Unanimously Approved
  • Department Heads
    • Joey Conger – No Comment
    • Jody Stephen s- No Comment
    • Chief Bush – No Comment
    • Chief Bunn – Not Present
  • Council Comments
    • Tim McRae – No Comment
    • Clint Burns- No Comment
    • Cathy Hamby thanked Chief Bush for his outstanding department and thanked them for their hard work.
    • Nick Bowles- Not Present
    • Terri Summerlin – Not Present
  • Mayor’s Report
    • Mayor Clendenning updated all on the $2,500 paving grant. This is still an ongoing process and they have not heard anything yet. He also mentioned the old colonial house is for sale.
  • Adjournment – Unanimously Approved



Weaver City Council Meeting

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