Work Session
There was discussion on the issue at Buckhorn Lake. The current owner wants to buy the lake to start dealing with the trash issues and the trespassing issues that are currently happening. The council wants to speak to legal council to determine what are the options and if they can legally sell the property to an individual without advertising it. They also want to discuss a fair and reasonable price. The person who donated the lake to the city is willing to take back the lake, but he intends to keep it public so that wouldn’t resolve the current issues. ** Editors note below.
There was a representative from Weaver Meadows II Mobile Home Park present. She is the regional manager and is currently planing to relocate to the area. She also had the owner on the phone. The issue is that the mobile home park was given 10 months to get each property lot their own meter. This has not happened yet. There are currently 42 lots, but only 9 occupants. The owner stated the cost to achieve this would be $93 – 95,000 and he couldn’t afford it. He asked for two years to get this completed. The council asked what could be done in a three month time period. The owner said he could get at least the get nine meters installed at a cost of $550 per meter. He would not be expected to have all the lines run. The current nine lots are spread out and the cost of running lines to them who be close to $75,000. The council stressed that they would vote on a three month extension and at that time evaluate if more time should be granted.
Mayor Willis also discussed that the current trash company has announced they are increasing prices. This will be effective June 3. The city has sent out bid packages and is looking for the lowest price available. The change will most likely result in higher costs for the city. A discussion was held regarding the city taking some of the costs themselves to avoid a large hike to consumers. They did acknowledge that the increase would have to be slowly passed to the consumer, but it didn’t need to happen all at once.
City Council Meeting
- Call to Order
- Invocation
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Roll Call
- Councilman Clint Burns – Present
- Councilman Tim McRae – Present
- Councilwoman Cathy Hamby – Present
- Councilman Nick Bowles – Present
- Mayor Pro Tempore Jeff Clendenning – Present
- Mayor Willis – Present
- Adoption of Agenda – Unanimously Approved
- Adoption of Minutes – Unanimously Approved
- Department Reports
- Public Works – No report
- Police Department – No report just the written March report
- Fire Department
- Chief Bunn hopes to have the New Fire Department open in a month or two
- Administration – No report
- Council Reports
- Councilman Clint Burns – No report
- Councilman Tim McRae
- There will be a Weaver Cleanup Day on Sunday. The city will provide bags, gloves, and pick up sticks. All interested in helping should meet in the Weaver Park at 3:00pm. He stated they would love to have others there!
- Councilwoman Cathy Hamby – No report
- Councilman Nick Bowles – No report
- Councilman Jeff Clendenning
- Three roads have been repaved and will be striped soon. A few repairs will be made, but there is no additional cost to the city.
- The cost for the pipe project is roughly $100,000 and the pipes will be ordered soon. There is about a two month lead time on delivery.
- The County Commission has also also authorized the paving of two more streets in Weaver and those will be starting soon.
- Old Business
- Presentation of Proclamation and Plaque – Timberly McRae
Timberly McRae and Mr. Broom - Councilman McRae reminded everybody of the events that took place a couple of months ago at JSU. A Carpenter came across a 227 line and was electrocuted. He did not have a pulse and the crowd asked if anyone knew CPR. Timberly McRae and one other individual stated they did and begin performing this procedure. It was successful and Mr. Broom was present at the meeting. He still has a skin graft remaining on his hand, but is feeling much better. Timberly was presented with a Plaque for Professional Conduct in an emergency situation. He name will also be added to community plaque in the city lobby.
- Resolution #2022-01 Authorizing the Lease Purchase of a 2021 Doge Charger Pursuit with Light and Equipment Package (36 months) – The resolution was passed with one nay vote from Councilman Clendenning
- Councilman Clendenning wanted to point out that he is in favor on one new vehicle a year, but the department received that after a vehicle was totaled. He stated it was unfortunate that it was a new vehicle that was totaled, but it still resulted in a new vehicle payment and this purchase would be an additional payment.
- Chief Bush explained that if they kept using the vehicles they currently have the maintenance cost would increase and the resale value would decreased. He also pointed out they were getting a much lower price now because it is a 2021. Any future cars will most likely have a substantially higher price tag.
- Ordinance #2022-01 – Adding a Section Titled “Cruelty to Animals” to the City of Weaver Code of Ordinances Chapter 8 – Animals – Unanimously Approved
- Ordinance #2022-02 – Authorizing the Sale of a Parcel of Land Located on Jacksonville Street – Unanimously Approved
- Presentation of Proclamation and Plaque – Timberly McRae
- New Business
- Buckhorn Lake Issue
- Owner Brook Lee spoke because the ongoing issues with trespassing, vandalism, and threats. She wants to buy the lake from the city so that the lake is no longer public and she will have more authority and also will be more willing to clean up property she owns. The council stated there were many issues that needed to researched with the city attorney, but they do understand her portion and will address it at the next meeting once the legalities were cleared up. A cost plan will also be drawn up to look into fixing the existing dock and until repairs can be made it will be roped off. These plans were Unanimously Approved ** Editors note below
- Weaver Meadows II Mobile Home Park – Unanimously Approved
- A three month extension was granted to allow the owner to install at least nine meters at the cost of $550. There is not an expectation of lines being run in this time period.
- Sanitation Bid
- The current sanction company has informed the city that their prices will be increases as of June 3rd. Bids have been sent out to other companies and will be reviewed at the May 10th council meeting.
- Buckhorn Lake Issue
- Spirit of Weaver – No Report
- Mayor’s Report
- May 7th will be the Weaver Family Fun Day. There will be a ribbon cutting for the new disc golf course and splash pad. There will be a disc golf tournament that are participants will receive a disc. There will also be a lot of prizes. There will also be food trucks present. This is a fun and free event so the Mayor hopes to have a good turnout.
- He also noted that the landscaping costs for the disc golf and splashed areas needed an additional $2,500 and he is requesting authorization to spend that. – Unanimously Approved
- Public Comments
- A resident spoke requesting an medical exemption on his property. He also didn’t know if he was in the city or not. He reported that the county system seems to give contradictory information. A plan was made to have the original paperwork pulled and reviewed on Thursday by Councilman Jeff Clendenning and that the property owner would have an answer by Friday of this week. Once the determination of city or county is resolved the council will move forward with looking at the medical exemption.
- Adjournment – Unanimously Approved
**Editors note: To add additional clarification to the Buckhorn Lake discussion. The owner of the neighboring property did ask about purchasing the lake. The council did not know if this was even a legal option and specifically discussed that it might not be. They stated before any decisions were made they would speak to the city attorney. No action was taken this was only a discussion, brought up by the neighboring owner, not any member of the City Council.