Happening Now
9/11 Memorial Service in Oxford

August 27, 2021  
Jim Evancho  

20 years ago on September 11th the United States was under a massive terrorist attack that left 2,751 innocent people dead. Of those that died, 343 were firefighters, 
37 were police officers of the Port Authority Police Department, 23 were police officers of the New York City Police Department, 8 were emergency medical technicians and paramedics from private emergency medical services, and 1 was a patrolman from the New York Fire Patrol. Each gave their lives trying to rescue the victims of this cowardly attack.

In previous years the memorial was held at Centennial Park in Anniston, but due to construction services the service could not be held there. The City of Oxford and the Oxford Fire Department have provided a new venue for the memorial service to be held this year. This year the memorial service will be held at the Oxford Civic Center. 

When asked how this change came about Oxford Fire Chief Sparks said “Chief Jeff Waldrep, Chief Keith Kadle, and myself have an excellent working relationship. We meet regularly for lunch, and during one of our lunch meetings we discussed the fact that the twentieth anniversary of 9/11 was approaching, so we began to make plans to come together and commemorate the lives that were lost that horrific day.” He went on to say “As December 7, 1941 is the date that one generation will always remember, September 11, 2001 is the date that our generation will never forget. We remember where we were, what we were doing, and we can never forget the lives that were lost that day. It’s important that we as a country, and as first responders, remember the innocent lives lost and the sacrifices made by the first responders.”

Anniston Fire Chief Waldrep had this to say about the memorial service “As we approach the twentieth anniversary of the devastating attacks on our country, we must remember now more than ever how important it is that we never forget. It is an honor to come together with my peers to provide an opportunity for the community to participate in a ceremony honoring all of the lives lost on September 11, 2001.” Chief Waldrep also discussed that there will be Ringing of The Bell’s that has been a tradition of fire departments since the time only telegraph’s were used. When a Firefighter died in the line of duty, the fire alarm office would tap out special signal over the telegraph. The signal was five measured dashes, then a pause, then fire measured dashes, another pause, then five measured dashes. This became know as the “Tolling of the Bell” and was broadcast over telegraph fire alarm circuits. Today the signal is done through the striking of a bell with the same signal to honor those that gave their lives to help others. 

Jacksonville Fire Chief Kadle also said “September 11th is a day where you remember where you were and what you were doing when the news broke of the planes crashing into the World Trade Center. The lives lost that day left a void in the soul of our country and in the fire service. The 343 firefighters that died and continue to die from the effects of that day are truly American hero’s, and I will forever be grateful for the sacrifice they made that tragic day.” 

The memorial service will be held a the Oxford Civic Center (outdoors weather permitting) on Saturday September 11, 2021 at 11:00 am. This is a free event open to the public and all First Responders.