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Anniston Police Department receives budget increase

September 30, 2021  
Jim Evancho  

The City Council and City Manager of Anniston has approved the budget that includes addressing some concerns raised by Police Chief Nick Bowles. The new approved budget shows the full support from the city as they are now increasing the budget to enable Chief Bowles to offer a higher starting salary which will help with recruitment and retention of officers.

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Chief Bowles spoke with the Calhoun County Journal about the overall increases and how it helps the police department. Anniston PD previously started new officers at $16.97 per hour but due to the increase they will now offer starting officers $18.72 per hour. This increase will be added to the existing $150 per month hazard pay incentive and $600 per year clothing allowance that officers already receive. Chief Bowles said,  “I am grateful for the City Council and the City Manager for understanding and meeting the needs of the police department.” He went on to say, “There are a lot of issues that are happening around the country with larger cities, but those issues are not happening here.” The Chief went on to explain that the Anniston Police Department works hard at maintaining good community relations and they train hard to be more understanding of people’s individual needs and concerns.

The increase in the budget will also enable the department to offer a $1000 hiring bonus to new officers that join the agency. To qualify for the bonus new officers must complete one full year of service in order to collect. Chief Bowles also said that existing officers are also eligible to receive a $1000 bonus if they are responsible for recruiting someone that joins the police department. Those officers will only receive the bonus if the recruit graduates from the academy and works for Anniston for one full year. He believes this will encourage current officers to try and recruit people that they feel have what it takes to be a police officer in today’s world. “I am happy that we were able to also offer existing officers a bonus as well as new recruits/officers,” stated Bowles.

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The Calhoun County Journal also spoke to Officer Colindres who currently works in the patrol division. Officer Colindres has worked for the Anniston Police Department for three and a half years and is also a hostage negotiator and on the SRT (Special Response Team). When asked about the budget increase, he responded by stating, “This is a real morale boost and keeps me more motivated and appreciated by the City of Anniston.” He went on to say that he has always felt support from the community and loves the people throughout the city. To also have the strong support from the City Council and City Manager, just reaffirms his decision to join the Anniston Police Department.

Chief Bowles also said that the department will also be purchasing ten new vehicles this year to help keep the vehicle fleet current and let officers respond to calls with less concern about vehicle break-downs. Chief Bowles stated that with the replacement vehicles coming in and the new pay levels established, he is very optimistic that recruitment efforts will result in more officers on the road. This increase will enable the Anniston Police Department to protect the people they are charged with watching over.

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