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Jacksonville City Council Plans to Protect Police Investment and Continues to Finalize the Budget Details at Meeting and Work Session 9/12/2022

Jacksonville City Council

Jacksonville, AL – The Jacksonville City Council held its regularly scheduled works session and meeting on September 12th, 2022.

Work Session

  1. Call to order.
  2. Roll call.
    1. Tony Taylor – Present
    2. Sherry Laster – Present
    3. Coty Galloway – Absent
    4. Andy Green – Present
    5. Terry Wilson – Present
  3. Acceptance of minutes.
    1. No discussion was held.
  4. Final Budget Discussion.
    1. Mrs. Grant discussed that the budget is balanced and drew attention to a few minor changes. She also asked for clarification. The budget is scheduled to be voted on at the last meeting.
  5. Municipal Judge Discussion.
    1. Judge Weems will be leaving so the council has begun discussions securing a replacement. After discussion the plan is to form a board of six people (the mayor and two council members will be included). All interested parties will need to submit a resume and letter of interests. There will be a month timeframe set on applications. This would allow for time on the outgoing portion that is up in January.
  6. Jacksonville Birthday Celebration – Andy Green.
    1. Councilman Green reminded all that the city’s birthday is coming up on January 9th. he suggested doing something such as a celebration with cake and ice cream prior to the council work session and meeting scheduled on the 9th. This may become a larger event in the future, but it would at least be a time to honor the city and share the heritage.
  7. Any other business.
    1. Councilwoman Laster wanted to discuss the residents of Eastwood and the petition they signed requesting a sign be placed on their community. There were several representatives that spoke and thanked the council as well as asked what the plans and status was for the former school. The council assured them that this is a priority and they are working on finding an architect and seeing what can be done to salvage the building.
    2. Chief Wood spoke about changing the policy on new hires and adding an agreement that if they leave prior to completing their 24 month commitment they will be responsible to repay the city for training expenses. A simalr policy is already in place for the Jacksonville Fire Department. Chief Wood said this is a way of protecting the investment the city has made into training and hiring law enforcement officers.
    3. Mark Stevens notes that for the Mountain Street project the bid would need to be formally rejected and then rebid to only include the base project.

City Council Meeting

  • Call to order
  • Invocation: Elder Lyn Veasey Presbyterian Church
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Roll call
    • Tony Taylor – Present
    • Sherry Laster – Present
    • Coty Galloway – Absent
    • Andy Green – Present
    • Terry Wilson – Present
  • Adoption of minutes – Unanimously Approved
  • Adoption of agenda – Unanimously Approved with noted additions
    • Add: 14a Consider action to authorize the Mayor to sign the following agreements with Alabama Power Company.
      • Installation and maintenance 3 Flock Safety License Plate  recognition cameras at a total cost of $16,500.24 (2 year agreement)
      • Installation and maintenance of 3 Axis Safety and Security Cameras at a total cost of $119,050.24 (5 year agreement)
      • Installation and maintenance of 8 Axis Safety and Security Cameras at a total cost of $120,195.00 (5 year agreement)
    • Add: 14b Consider Action to approve the Agreement for Jacksonville Police Department Training for police officers.
    • Add: 18 Consider action to approve the employment of the following:
      • Natalie Hill Holt, Account Manager in Utility Office, range 12, effective upon compliance with Ordinance No. 273 due to the resignation of Valerie Smallwood Clark
      • Kyle Dustin Seeger, Police Officer, Range 18, effective upon compliance with Ordinance No. 273, due to the pending promotion to Corporal
      • Matthew David Savage, Police Officer, Range 18, effective upon compliance with Ordinance No. 273, due to the resignation of Ryley Kirk
      • Nicholas James Day, Recreation Maintenance operator Range 6, Step 2, effective September 14, 2022, due to the resignation of Steven Overfield.
      • Kathy R. McCullough, Senior Center Assistant, Range 7, effective September 14, 2022 due to the resignation of Tiffany Davidson.
  • Proclamation – None
  • Public comments concerning agenda items – None
  • Consideration of Ordinance No. O-643-22 that Rezones Certain Property Located at 214 Tarver Street, SE from R-2 (Two-Family Residential District) to B-2 (General Business District). (Received First Reading August 22, 2022)  – Unanimously Approved
  • Consideration of Resolution No. R-2142-22 regarding Construction Agreement with the State of Alabama Department of Transportation for JPWP#21-100, Resurfacing on Country Club Drive, SW and Henry Road from Fairway Drive, SW to SR-21 in Jacksonville, Project #STPSU-0819(254) – CPMS Ref# 100070198.  – Unanimously Approved
    • Councilman Green requested public notification about the street work be put out at the appropriate times.
  • Consideration of Resolution No. R-2145-22 Amending Resolution No. 238 Authorizing the Installation of a Stop Sign on H Avenue, SW at the Intersection of D Street, SW – – Unanimously Approved
  • Consideration of Resolution No. R-2146-22 to Award Bid No. 22-04, Germania Springs and Hospital Lift Station Replacement, JPWP#22-108, to Apel Machine & Supply, in the amount of $428,000.00 for Germania Springs only, per the attached and authorize the Mayor to sign any necessary documents – Unanimously Approved
  • Consideration of Resolution No. R-2147-22 to Reject the Bid for Mountain Street, NE Widening Project, JPWP#21-104, from Alabama Grading and Excavation, LLC, due to bid exceeding Project Budget – Unanimously Approved
  • Consideration of Resolution No. R-2148-22 to Reject the bids from Greer Building Contractors and Hurst Construction, Bid No. 22-05, New Utility Office, due to bids exceeding estimates – Unanimously Approved
  • Consider action to authorize the Mayor to sign the following agreements with Alabama Power Company. – Unanimously Approved
    • Installation and maintenance 3 Flock Safety License Plate  recognition cameras at a total cost of $16,500.24 (2 year agreement)
    • Installation and maintenance of 3 Axis Safety and Security Cameras at a total cost of $119,050.24 (5 year agreement)
    • Installation and maintenance of 8 Axis Safety and Security Cameras at a total cost of $120,195.00 (5 year agreement)
      • Councilman Andy Green thanked Chief Wood for working on this project.
  • Consider Action to approve the Agreement for Jacksonville Police Department Training for police officers. – Unanimously Approved
  • Consider action to accept the Assistance to Firefighters Grant in the amount of $50,000.00 for the purchase of Rescue Equipment, with a city match of 5% ($2,500) and a grant writer fee of 5% ($2,500). – Unanimously Approved
  • Consider action to approve the following re-assignment: – Unanimously Approved
    • Josh Shears, Police Officer, Range 18, effective September 14, 2022, due to the resignation of Chris Jordan.
  • Consider action to accept the resignation of the following: – Unanimously Approved
    • Ryley Kirk, Police Officer, effective September 2, 2022.
    • Judson Blewster, Corrections Officer, September 2, 2022
  • Consider action to approve the employment of the following: – Unanimously Approved
    • Carlton Phillips, Corrections Officer, Range 9, effective upon compliance with Ordinance No. 273, due to the resignation of Judson Blewster
  • Consent Agenda – Unanimously Approved
    • Budget Amendment Requests
    • Disposition of Surplus Property
    • Requests to Attend Conference/Training Session with Costs Exceeding $1,000.00
  • Public comments for general items
    • Marita Watson spoke to thank the council and Chief Wood for supporting the safety walkthrough and for consideration in expanding the SRO program to include an additional officer.
  • Council Member Remarks
    • Councilman Green wanted to publicly that all those that helped with Spirit on Mountain Street.
    • He also wanted to note that today was National Policewoman’s day and he wanted to thank the two female officers that service with JPD.
  • Mayor’s report
    • The Mayor wanted to commend Mike Abrams and his wife for putting together the 9/11 ceremony at the cemetery.
    • The Library is holding a Ladies Day Out event on 9/17 called Be Prepared not Scared. This is held with the Calhoun County Sherrif and Calhoun County EMA.
  • Any Other Business – None
  • Consider action to adjourn into an Executive Session under the provisions of the Code of Alabama Section 36-25A-7(a)(6) to discuss consideration for the purchase, sale or lease of real property – Unanimously Approved

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