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Alabama’s First Class Pre-K Program Recognized Nationally for 18th Consecutive Year

Governor Ivey Announces Alabama’s First Class Pre-K Leads the Nation in Quality for 18th Consecutive Year

Montgomery, AL – Governor Kay Ivey, alongside the Alabama Department of Early Childhood Education (ADECE), proudly announced today that Alabama’s First Class Pre-K program has once again received national recognition for its unparalleled quality. The release of the 2023 State of Preschool report highlights Alabama as one of only five states in the country to meet all 10 research-based quality benchmarks, solidifying its status as a leader in early childhood education.

The National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER), responsible for tracking preschool enrollment, funding, and quality standards, lauded Alabama’s achievement, affirming the state’s commitment to providing high-quality pre-kindergarten programs. Alabama’s First Class Pre-K program has maintained its exceptional quality for 18 consecutive years, a distinction unmatched by any other state in the nation.

Governor Ivey emphasized the effectiveness of Alabama’s pre-K program in equipping young learners with a solid foundation for academic success and lifelong learning. She praised Alabama’s position as a national leader in early childhood education, attributing the success to significant investments and unwavering dedication to excellence.

Acting Secretary Jan Hume expressed gratitude for the recognition from NIEER, acknowledging the efforts of staff and partners in delivering top-tier learning experiences to the state’s 4-year-old children. Hume emphasized the ongoing commitment to improving and expanding quality early learning opportunities to support families across Alabama.

Governor Ivey reiterated her commitment to prioritizing funding for the First Class Pre-K program in the upcoming education budget. She underscored the importance of providing access to high-quality pre-K education while alleviating financial burdens on parents by waiving tuition and fees.

Alabama’s First Class Pre-K program offers comprehensive prekindergarten programs to 4-year-olds in communities across the state, serving over 24,000 children in all 67 counties. Extensive research demonstrates the long-term benefits of participation in the program, with participants showing increased success across various learning domains throughout their school careers.

Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is now open, providing families with the opportunity to enroll their children in Alabama’s esteemed First Class Pre-K program. Interested parents can visit children.alabama.gov to register and secure a spot for their child.

Governor Ivey Announces Alabama’s First Class Pre-K Leads the Nation in Quality for 18th Consecutive Year


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