Happening Now

July 17, 2021  
Lee Evancho

Anniston Public Information Officer sent out information on multiple volunteer opportunities with the Anniston Changer.  


Official Release

Anniston Changers’ 10TH consecutive service project is coming to Anniston High School & the Woodstock community! Our volunteers will be sprucing up the school, weeding, pressure washing, and more from 8:00 AM until 12:00 PM on July 24th!

Volunteers will meet in the Anniston High School parking lot located at: 1301 Woodstock Ave, Anniston, AL 36207.

The Woodstock 5K is also coming up in August, so our team hopes to get the race area ready for them!

Volunteers should bring any of the following if possible: Pressure Washers, Paint Rollers, Paint Brushes, Tarps, Paint Thinner, Weed-Eaters, Gardening Tools, and/or Ladders!

Food, drinks, and fellowship will be provided to each and every person who volunteers! As always, you may register to volunteer on our website at: www.AnnistonChangers.com!

If anyone has any questions, please feel free to contact City PIO, Jackson Hodges, anytime via text or call at: 256-846-2044!