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City of Piedmont City Council Regular Meeting

City if Piedmont City Council Regular Meeting

Piedmont, AL – D

During the Tuesday afternoon Piedmont City Council Meeting Mayor Baker informed the Council the operational expenses were $ 756,381.51 which included two weeks payroll. The bills were approved for payment.

The Mayor and Council then addressed the positions that were opened within the City of Piedmont. A full-time utility position, A part time park position and the retiring of Melinda Pody, a 26 year employee that does payroll for the City of Piedmont were all discussed at length in order to fill these positions. The Council unanimously  agreed to advertise for employees to fill these slots.

The Mayor and Council then addressed the Knuckle Boom Truck Repairs. One Truck had a leak on both sides and it cost $1,900 to fix. They received an estimate of $10,896,72 for total boom repair with another truck. This truck is in Birmingham  waiting to be fixed. The Council went back and forth on this subject. They decided to go with the repair and this was approved.

There was no Police report because Chief Nathan Johnson was at a conference.

Interim Fire Chief Cale Donaldson gave the Fire report. There were a total of 95 calls in January with 65 rescue and emergency medical service incidents.

The City Clerk Carl Hinton told the Council that Tri Green is leaving Piedmont.

Mayor Baker congratulated the Piedmont Girls and Boys basketball teams on an outstanding season.

The next Piedmont City Council Meeting will be in the Civic Center upstairs because of election day on March 5th.

City if Piedmont City Council Regular Meeting

Mr. Demarco is a reporter for WEIS Radio. (Information Provided by WEIS RADIO)

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