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City of Piedmont City Council Regular Meeting

City of Piedmont Council Regular Meeting

Piedmont, AL – During the Tuesday afternoon Piedmont City Council Meeting Workshop Alabama Municipal Electric Authority President and CEO, Fred Clark, addressed the Council. Mr. Clark spoke for around 45 minutes. He told the Council that Piedmont has the lowest electric rates in all of Calhoun County. He stressed when its colder like it was people don’t realize they are using more energy to stay warm. Mr. Clark also told the Council the Electric Authority will be deploying 2000 digital meters to homes. Clark concluded by saying Piedmont’s Electric Department was in very good shape for the coming years.

Mayor Baker informed the Council the operational expenses were $288,966.73 which included two weeks payroll. The bills were approved for payment.

Police Chief Nathan Johnson addressed the Council about a two prong problem he is dealing with. Piedmont is in the need of an additional Police Dispatcher and a temporary dispatcher because one was going on maternity leave. The Council discussed the situation and agreed to hire a full time and a part time dispatcher.

The Mayor then addressed the Alabama League of Municipalities Annual Convention in Huntsville May 15-18. The Mayor said any Council Member wanting to go please let him know,  along, with those who  want to be a Voting Delegate.

In Visitors Comments: Piedmont Resident Mr. Larry Davis expressed his displeasure with a bill of $3000 he received from Piedmont Electric for a utility pole he requested the department place in his backyard. He told the Mayor and Council he was not aware it was going to cost that amount.

City Clerk Carl Hinton told the Council the Knuckle Boom Truck was back on the road.

Mayor Baker told the Council the sewer project is now complete and congratulated the Spring Garden Girls basketball team on winning the State Championship.

The next Piedmont City Council Meeting will be March 19th.

City of Piedmont Council Regular Meeting

Mr. Demarco is a reporter for WEIS Radio. (Information Provided by WEIS RADIO)

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