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City of Piedmont City Council Update on Operations, Budget Decisions, and Community Engagement

PIEDMONT meeting

Piedmont, AL – During the Tuesday afternoon Piedmont City Council Meeting Mayor Baker informed the Council of the operational expenses for the past 2 weeks which were $878,640.95 and included two weeks payroll. The bills were approved for payment.

After that Councilman Jubal Feazell addressed the Council with an idea. He said he would like to take $ 20,000 from the operational expense account each month and put the money into a savings account for the City. This money would possibly be used for an emergency. The matter was thoroughly discussed with the Council agreeing and the motion was passed.

Mayor Baker, reappointed Mr. Phillip Winkles to another term as Piedmont Housing Authority Commissioner.

Police Chief Nathan Johnson gave the Police Report for February. The Piedmont Police Department had a total of 46 arrests on 61 misdemeanor charges 8 Felony charges. He also stated 21 total Abatement cases. After his report he asked permission from the Council to advertise for another Police Officer. He said we have one leaving and this position needs to be filled. The Council made a motion and it passed unanimously.

During the City of Piedmont City Council Meeting on Tuesday afternoon, Piedmont Police Chief Nathan Johnson provided the council with  his police report for the month of February.

Following the report, Chief Johnson then asked Mayor Bill Baker and the Council if he could advertise an opening for additional police officer. He said the department is down one officer from the needed 15-officer force. This position needs to filled immediately.

At Chief Johnson’s request, the Council made the motion, which it passed unanimously.

Mayor Baker praised Chief Johnson at the end of the Council meeting for the job he and his staff are doing. He said that Chief Johnson cares about the community of Piedmont and Piedmont is very fortunate to have him.

Interim Fire Chief Cale Donaldson gave the Fire Report for February. There were 78 calls and 46 Rescue and Emergency Medical Service Incidents. He also informed the Council about 3 Shift trainings the Fire Department had. Donaldson then addressed the Council about two Firemen leaving the Piedmont Fire Department.  The Interim Chief told the Council they’re now down three firemen. He was asking if he could advertise for these positions to be filled. A motion was made and this also passed unanimously.

In Visitor Comments: Attorney Shirley Millwood addressed the Council. She was asking for their support as she is running for Probate Judge of Calhoun County. Also, addressing the Council was artist Tiffany Beal she was asking the Council to split the $8000.00 cost of a mural she wants to paint on the side of a building in Piedmont. It will be 40×70 feet. This will be discussed at the next Council meeting on April 2nd.

In additional Piedmont News

The Piedmont Police Department is planning to have a community bike ride Saturday March 23, 2024. The first ride will be a kid ride that will only be a mile long at 9am sharp. The second ride will be an Adult ride starting at 10:30am sharp. If you would like to join in on the ride meet behind the Piedmont Police Department in the parking lot where we will access the Chief Ladiga Trail. Please wear a helmet and all necessary safety equipment. Parents or an adult is encouraged to ride with your children during the kid ride and children 6 and under will have to have an adult rider with them to help keep a good pace. Please come and join us on Saturday March 23, 2024 and Pedal With The Police on the Chief Ladiga Trail. Please comment on this post if you are interested in attending so we can gather an idea of how many will possibly attend.

PIEDMONT meeting


Mr. Demarco is a reporter for WEIS Radio. (Information Provided by WEIS RADIO)

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