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City Of Weaver Work Session and City Council Meeting 8/22/23

Weaver City Council

Weaver, AL – Weaver held their regularly scheduled works sessions and City Council Meeting on August 22nd. 

Work Session

The work session opened with a public hearing held by Shelby Peterson with the East Alabama Regional Planning and Development Commission. She went over the comprehensive plan for the city of Weaver which focused on land use, housing, transportation, community facilities (parks and rec), and economic development.

Public Works Director, Johnathon Ingram, discussed the cost of Weaver continuing to produce water vs buying it from Anniston. The current cost to produce water is 78 cents per thousand and the cost to buy is currently priced at $1.44 a thousand. Because of this the council did not decide to pursue purchasing water, but would consider having an emergency hookup with the city of Anniston Water and Sewer if the cost wasn’t too high.

A discussion was also held on attempting to get a grant to cover the cost of replacing the current water meters with new ones that would transmit to the city and residents wirelessly. These new meters would also allow for alerts if there was a larger than normal usage at an address.

The homecoming parade was discussed, but the council didn’t have any strong options on which direct it should start in. There was a conclusion that having the bonfire in the park would not be what most council members were interested in.

Mr. Ingram reported that he had received two quotes on finishing the public works building. This is not the old fire station, but rather the smaller unit they are currently using. The cost to replace the roof and repair the walls was $1,800 for metal or $2,200 for painted. The conclusion was for the public works director to make the decision and move forward with the project.

Mr. Ingram also brought up a trailer park that would like to purchase three water meters. In the past bulk purchases were given a $100 discount per meter. He wanted to know if this was still accurate. The council agreed that precedent had been set and they would continue this pricing.

Chief Bush submitted his written report for July.

Chief Bunn notified all that a new air compressor had been ordered for the senior center. The cost was $4,600.

The administration report was that it would probably become necessary to get insurance for the technology in city hall and she is working on getting quotes.

The Mayor asked if anyone had any questions about the budget that was set for a vote during the council meeting, but there were no concerns addressed.

The Mayor also reviewed the transportation contract and the agreement with East Alabama Regional Planning and Development Commission.

The Mayor also shared that Weaver was not included in the $250,000 grant disbursal for Rebuild Alabama. He is working on resubmitting and also has the support of Senator Kelley and Representative Woods.

There are still a few items remaining on the bathroom completion project and once those are done a final check will be sent.

The Mayor reminded all of the final Weaver Movie Fest and Disc Golf on Saturday, August 26th starting at 3:00 pm. He asked for any city council members in town to please stop by.

Heritage Day is planned for September 9th and the city would like to have a table sharing the history of Weaver. All council members were asked to come if possible.

An email was received asking for rules for Angel Lake. There are no formal rules so the council will review local lakes and create a set that will then be posted.

There will be a bass fishing tournament on September 9th at Angel Lake.

An estimate for cameras is being developed by Brad Campbell.


City Council 

  • Invocation
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Roll Call
    • Councilmember Clint Burns – Present
    • Councilmember Tim McRae – Present
    • Councilmember Cathy Hamby – Present 
    • Mayor Pro Tem Nick Bowles – Present
    • Councilmember Terri Summerlin – Present
    • Mayor Jeff Clendenning – Present
  • Agenda – Unanimously Approved
  • Minutes from August 8th Meeting – Unanimously Approved
  • Public Works
    • There will be a meeting next Tuesday regarding a trailer park that has changed ownership. Taylor Realty will be managing the property and will be meeting with the city to discus switching over meters.
  • Chief Bush
    • Written report submitted
  • Chief Bunn
    • A grant from Walmart was given to the fire department in the amount of $1,300.
  • Administration – No Report
  • Councilmember Burns – No Report
  • Councilmember McRae – No Report
  • Councilmember Hamby – No Report
  • Councilmember Bowles – No Report
  • Councilmember Summerlin – No Report
  • Old Business
    • Fiscal Year 2024 Budget – Unanimously Approved
  • New Business
    • Resolution 2023-05 Adopting a Transportation Plan Pursuant to the Rebuild Alabama Act #2019-2 – Unanimously Approved
    • Resolution 2023-06 To Fund ADA Paratransit Services in the City of Weaver for Fiscal Year 2024 – Unanimously Approved
    • Transit Service Agreement with East Alabama Regional Planning and Development Commission for Fiscal Year 2024. – Unanimously Approved
  • Mayors Report – None
    • The Mayor reviewed that again the $250,000 Rebuild Alabama grant money was not given to Weaver, but the city is still pursuing it.
    • Movie Night and the Disc Gold Tournament will be August 26th starting at 3:00 pm and the movie starting at 8:00pm.
    • Heritage Day will be September 9th.
  • Public Comments – No Comments
  • Adjournment – Unanimously Approved



Weaver City Council

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