Happening Now

September 23, 2021  
Lee Evancho  

Dalton “Cutter” Goode looks like your typical young guy, but he is much more. He is a young entrepreneur who is growing his family owned pizza place throughout Calhoun County.  Cutter’s Pizzeria currently has two locations. The are located in Oxford and Alexandria. The Alexandria location recently had celebrated a two year anniversary and the Oxford location is celebrating its one year anniversary. Cutter’s is privately owned and wants to separate itself from the “chain restaurants.”

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The Calhoun County Journal was able to discuss how this local small business is continuing to have success in very difficult times. Dalton did acknowledge that COVID was a hard time for them, and they are still feeling the pressure from increased costs to many employees leaving.  Much of their staff are JSU students, so when classes switched to a primarily online format many students left. They are actively hiring for both locations because the demand for pizza is still strong!

When asked to describe the types of pizza they sell, Dalton was quick to say they have seven basic pizza styles and they are proud to offer the deepest “Chicago Style” pizza to the thinnest pizza available in Calhoun County. All their pizzas are completely customizable. They offer delivery, pickup, and dine-in eating. They also have new desserts, including beignets. The dessert menu is growing, so to keep up with the latest updates and new products, you can visit their website at www.cutterspizzeria.com.  They also are on facebook, instagram, and tiktok. 

A question posed to Dalton was what sets Cutter’s apart from all the other pizza places available. For Dalton it comes down to four things.

  1. They are community centered – In just over two years, over $20,000 in sponsorships and free pizzas have been given out. These have gone to disaster relief efforts, schools, football teams, and other projects. Giving back is a huge part of this company and the way they want to work for the community. 
  2. Their “Pie Pizza” – This was created at Cutter’s and has stuffed crust all the way through. This, and all their products, are freshly made and always deliver top quality. 
  3. They want to be here – It may sound silly, but Dalton, his family, and their employees want to be in Calhoun County. They like what they do and like the people they serve. This makes everyday fun and not “just a job.”
  4. Generational Wisdom – Dalton comes from a family with Calhoun County roots. They are from the Oxford and Alexandria areas and have always lived here. This is the only place they want to be. This family owned business knows this area and loves it.




Dalton may be a relatively young man, but he is going places and has goals. He is expanding into catering for weddings, birthday parties, and many other private and corporate events. Dalton also was recently named JSU’s Young Alum of the year. Per JSU “Mr. Goode is a community advocate and business owner with a strong drive to make a positive impact. He currently serves as co-owner and general manager of Cutter’s Pizzeria. Since 2019, the company has contributed over $15,000 worth of free and non-profit food for families, organizations, and schools and has expanded to a second location. Mr. Goode also serves as the founder, chair, and executive director of the Emerging Citizen Initiative, a 501c3 nonprofit focused on youth civic engagement. The goal of ECI is to increase civic engagement and community leadership among youth populations. ECI reached over 100,000 18-25 year olds with a voter turnout drive in the organization’s first civic engagement project.”  

The next time you have a pizza craving, think local and consider Cutter’s Pizzeria.



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