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Fites to Finish

Fites to finish

Anniston, AL  – Freeman Fite teams with Bodie to win Anniston Country Club Parent-Child tourney, Payton to finish runner up.

Freeman Fite and Bodie Fite shot 61-63—124 to finish as overall winners of Anniston Country Club’s Parent-Child Tournament. They also won the 7-under division.

Freeman Fite and Payton Fite teamed to finish second overall at 62-67—126, also taking the 8-13 division.

“We had a great time,” Freeman Fite said. “Payton and Bodie played great.

“It’s just a special weekend to spend with them. We’ve played with Kevin and Landon (Daugherty) the last couple of years, and they love that, as well. It’s just fun to get out there and watch them compete and be a part of it.”

The annual tournament concludes on Father’s Day. Here are scores for the gross and net divisions:

Gross division

Freeman Fite-Bodie Fite 61 63 124
Brennan Clay-Atticus Clay 68 68 136
Kolby Slick-Baker Slick 82 NS NS
Payton FIte-Freeman FIte1 62 67 129
Manning Askew-Warren Askew 61 70 131
Corey Etter-Zoey Etter 67 67 134
Garrett Burgess-Garrett Burgess Jr. 69 69 138
Tim Wilcox-Gray Wilcox 74 80 154
Mark Durden-Dison Durden 82 74 156
Dustin Merritt-Thomas Merritt 82 86 168
Randy Reaves-Will Reaves 62 68 130
Gary Wigington-Peyton Wigington 65 68 133
Kevin Daugherty-Landon Daugherty 67 66 133
Brennan Clay1-Scott Clay 68 65 133
Jack Svensen-Rob Svensen1 68 68 136
Janson Wilborn-Gary Wilborn1 67 69 136
Gary Wilborn-Chandler Wilborn1 68 70 138
Greg Shultz-Ted Shultz 67 71 138
Hank Smith-Charlie Smith 68 71 139
Steve Akers-Luke Akers 68 73 141
Jeremy McGatha-T.J. McGatha 70 65 135
Graham Morrow-Taylor Morrow 70 67 137
David Lipscomb-Randy Lipscomb 70 71 141
Matt Rogers-Isabel Rogers 75 68 143
Rob Svensen-Ross Svensen 72 73 145
Patrick Webber-Ty Webber 71 74 145
Tyler Teneyck-Bill Teneyck 73 74 147
Bryant Edwards-Sawyer Edwards 73 76 149
Don Whitlow-Rusty Whitlow 76 73 149
Bob Mosakowski-Kyle Mosakowski 74 78 152
Don Whitlow4-Trey Sawyer 77 68 145
Gantt Whitlow-Rusty Whitlow1 77 71 148
Cal Lambert-Joseph Lambert 78 76 154
Kolby Slick1-Keith Slick 80 75 155
Scott Shultz-Ted Shultz1 79 77 156
Jonathan Whitlow-Mike Whitlow1 80 78 158
Don Whitlow3-Jonathan Whitlow 80 80 160
Don Whitlow1-Gantt Whitlow 81 81 162
Olivia Parsons-Don Hill 85 79 164
Bubba Willingham-Kody Willingham 87 79 166
Don Whitlow2-Mike Whitlow 82 86 168

Net Division

Don Whitlow3-Jonathan Whitlow 54 53 107
Jonathan Whitlow-Mike Whitlow1 56 53 109
Don Whitlow4-Trey Sawyer 60 54 114
Corey Etter-Zoey Etter 58 56 114
Steve Akers-Luke Akers 55 59 114
Freeman Fite-Bodie Fite 58 58 116
Kolby Slick1-Keith Slick 62 55 117
Manning Askew-Warren Askew 54 63 117
Payton Fite-Freeman Fite1 57 62 119
Tyler Teneyck-Bill Teneyck 61 59 120
David Lipscomb-Randy Lipscomb 59 61 120
Brennan Clay1-Scott Clay 60 60 120
Don Whitlow2-Mike Whitlow 59 63 122
Matt Rogers-Isabel Rogers 65 58 123
Graham Morrow-Taylor Morrow 63 60 123
Dustin Merritt-Thomas Merritt 58 65 123
Jack Svensen-Rob Svensen1 62 62 124
Tim Wilcox-Gray Wilcox 59 66 125
Randy Reaves-Will Reaves 59 66 125
Kevin Daugherty-Landon Daugherty 65 61 126
Janson Wilborn-Gary Wilborn1 62 64 126
Bob Mosakowski-Kyle Mosakowski 59 67 126
Don Whitlow-Rusty Whitlow 63 64 127
Hank Smith-Charlie Smith 63 65 128
Jeremy McGatha-T.J. McGatha 65 63 128
Patrick Webber-Ty Webber 65 64 129
Gary Wigington-Payton Wigington 62 67 129
Cal Lambert-Joseph Lambert 66 64 130
Olivia Parsons-Don Hill 70 61 131
Mark Durden-Dison Durden 68 63 131
Don Whitlow1-Gantt Whitlow 64 67 131
Gary Wilborn-Chandler Wilborn1 66 66 132
Rob Svensen-Ross Svensen 66 67 133
Garrett Burgess-Garrett Burgess Jr. 68 66 134
Greg Shultz-Ted Shultz 66 68 134
Scott Shultz-Ted Shultz1 67 67 134
Gantt Whitlow-Rusty Whitlow1 70 64 134
Bubba Willingham-Kody Willingham 71 65 136
Bryant Edwards-Sawyer Edwards 67 69 136
Brennan Clay-Atticus Clay 69 70 139
Kolby Slick-Baker Slick 67 NS NS


Fites to finish

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