Happening Now

March 11, 2019
Lee Fuller

Jacksonville Christian Outreach Center (JCOC) provides assistance to low income and no income individuals living in the 36265 zip code area.  Their personal mission that nobody leaves hungry that walks through the doors.   The official motto is “Helping When Life Hurts”.

On Sunday the 17th you can help JCOC meet that goal.  At 3 pm there will be a Hymn Concert at the Jacksonville First United Methodist Church.  The admission is any non-perishable food item(s) or a monetary donation to JCOC.

The event will be a highly engaging opportunity to enjoy music and even to participate. Julio Barretto from JSU will be playing piano and the United Methodist Choir will be singing.  Visiting choirs are welcome and audience members are encouraged to join in with the singing.

If you would like to donate but are unable to attend donations can be placed in the large container located on JCOC’s porch. Its a safe method and the donations container is checked every day.

JCOC is supported by 24 local churches of all denominations. They are a chartered 501 (C) (3) organization which has no paid staff and no finances are used to administer any programs. The building that houses JCOC is donated by the First Methodist Church of Jacksonville so the operations cost is very low. All money received is used to provide items necessary for JCOC’s clients’ daily life and well-being. As quoted on their social media site “It is a high priority for our board of directors and volunteer to treat each client with dignity and help them maintain or regain their self-respect”.

Requested Items:

Personal Care Items
Paper Towels
Any toiletries and personal Hygiene items
Any Non- Perishable food items