Happening Now

August 13, 2021  

  1. Call to order
  2. Roll call
    1. Tony Taylor – Absent
    2. Andy Green – Absent
    3. Terry Wilson – Present
    4. Sherry Laster – Present
    5. Coty Galloway – Present
  3. Budget Discussion: Mayor’s Office, Human Resource, Planning & Building, and PARD.
    1. Mayor’s Account, addition of Public Information Officer position. Interviews were very positive and a selection will be made soon.

    2. HR- Janitorial only has one part time employee right now and that will continue going into FY2022. 1 janitorial employee retired at the beginning of the year and we have been sharing with the senior center program for 10 hours a week. Only been paying 25% of the janitorial staff budget.

    3. HR Budget has minimal change. Requested one part time employee, not necessary at this point in time and will revisit later if needed. Needs to add $600 to the budget for her phone. Needs to add in costs for drug screening for new hires or random drug testing for employees, hard to predict number.
    4. Planning has minimal change to the budget. Increase in stormwater and ADA. Mark Stevens asks for a vehicle for usage, small SUV or pickup. Currently has 1996 Crown Vic that has been having maintenance issues.
    5. Building only 2 employees currently. There was discussion about adding an additional assistant building director and a code enforcer. That is not included in the budget. Budget does include $10k for building demolitions.
    6. Parks and Recreation Department (including Senior Center Program, Train Depot, and Cemetery) – Maintenance acreage of 133 acre that need to be regularly maintained.
    7.  Senior Center Program – 4 full time employees and 1 part time employee. Added onto budget for building and HVAC maintenance.. Requested an SUV for the use in transporting meals and that is also included in the budget.
    8.  PARD employs 21 full-time, 6 part-time, and 35 seasonal employees. Increased pay for lifeguards at day camp. $60k in budget for pool system upgrade recommended by pool maintenance company for filtration and backwash. It has had to be repaired several times and it will not last much longer as it is. It will also support the future splash pad planned.
    9. Depreciation equipment for PARD, department head asked for $141k, council only funded $77k. Mostly for utility vehicles needed, a small truck and an SUV.
    10. Cemetery, asking for $10k. There is another source of funds that can be used that is unrestricted. Needed to take down rotted trees in older sections as a preventative measure.
    11. Train Depot budget stays the same with the exception of a requirement to repair rotted wood on the back deck.

  4. Any Other Business – None