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Mayor Reports Operational Expenses, Approvals, and Community Initiatives: Highlights from Piedmont City Council Meeting

City of Piedmont Council Regular Meeting

Piedmont, AL – During the Tuesday afternoon Piedmont City Council meeting Mayor Baker informed the Council the operational expenses for the past 2 weeks were $590,468.92 which included two weeks payroll. The bills were approved for payment.

The Council discussed the Fagan’s Park Contract. The Council approved a temporary lease agreement until the property can be appraised. After, the appraisal the purchase contract will kick in for $100,000.00 dollars and all the specifics to be paid to Charles Fagan.

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Next on the agenda, Diana Rodgers a Piedmont resident acted as the spokesperson for the Pickle Ball Group. The Council was very positive with the group about building Pickle Ball Courts funded with AMEA money. This was only discussed but no action taken.

Mayor Baker, adopted annual Tree City USA Proclamation and proclaimed April 26, 2024 as Arbor Day.

Nathan Johnson, Chief of Police, gave his March 2024 report. The Piedmont Police Department had 45 arrests on 49 Misdemeanor charges and 17 Felony charges. Chief Johnson, thanked the Piedmont Dispatchers for a job well done and recognized them during Emergency Communicators Week.  He also extended appreciation to the Calhoun Sheriff’s Office for their assistance on a situation recently. Johnson, also said there were 18 total abatement cases. The Piedmont Fire Department was discussed at length with Interim Fire Chief Butch Tolbert. He told the Council it’s imperative they have at least 5 new part time volunteers added to their Fire Department. The Council approved to hire 5 new applicants and for a Fire Chief to be hired in the near future. He also said there were 63 total calls and no shift trainings were held.


In Visitor Comments: Piedmont resident Larry Davis spoke to the Council for the third time about his dissatisfaction with Piedmont Power and Light about the invoice he received for a power pole installation at his residence a few months ago.

In Council reports, Council Member Jubal Feazell, presented the Council with a lengthy and concise project description and estimate report for street paving for their consideration. This was for Piedmont street repair and paving with gasoline tax money and funds from the County Commission. This was brought to a vote and was unanimously approved. Councilman Terry Kiser told the Council he would like to see an RV Park be constructed in Piedmont this was discussed at length. Clerk Hinton asked the Council to purchase more natural gas for resale when the prices are low. The Council approved to set aside $50,000 out of the savings into a special account to purchase natural gas at today’s low market price.

In the Mayor’s comments he thanked the Police and Fire Departments for their hard work. Baker, also told the Council Piedmont has two grants with a combined value of $ 1,390,000. The next City of Piedmont Council meeting will be April 30th.

City of Piedmont Council Regular Meeting


Mr. Demarco is a reporter for WEIS Radio. (Information Provided by WEIS RADIO)

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