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Officer Shannon Kelley Returns to Piedmont Police Department, Bringing Experience and Community Connection

Photo of Officer Shannon Kelley

Piedmont, AL – The City of Piedmont Chief of Police, Nathan Johnson, was excited to announce that all open positions for the position of police officer have been filled in Piedmont. The latest officer hired also comes with a lot of experience with Piedmont and its residents. Officer Shannon Kelley was first hired by the department in 2007 where he worked closely with the community and looked forward to interacting with local businesses. Chief Johnson stated, “When he was working with the department, we were both corporals and I really enjoyed working with him.” In 2016 Kelley made a decision to leave the department to take a public sector job but remained in contact with the Chief over the years.

Last year Kelley approached the Chief and asked if Piedmont would start a reserve unit. Chief Johnson explained that a reserve unit does not get paid to work but Kelley still wanted to go forward with the concept. “He told me he really missed the job and missed policing, the community, and felt that law enforcement was his purpose,” stated Chief Johnson. Earlier this year Kelley again contacted the Chief for a conversation. Chief Johnson was in a position to start a reserve unit and told Kelley, “I was just thinking about you, are you still interested in the reserve unit?” Kelley’s response was unexpected by the Chief, “Well I was calling you about the opening for officer. I’m ready to come back.” Chief Johnson advised Kelley to come up to the department and fill out an application so he could get the process going.

Once all the background checks were completed Chief Johnson offered Kelley the position. Officer Kelley has now been reinstated as a police officer and is currently in the Police Academy taking a refresher course, so he is up to date with new laws, procedures, and other important information to help him complete his job well. He will graduate the academy on December 19, 2024, and according to the Chief, he will go through the Field Training Officer (FTO) program to ensure that Officer Kelley is fully ready to serve the community once again. Chief Johnson stated, “I am excited to have him back and I know he will do a great job.


Photo of Officer Shannon Kelley

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