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Piedmont City Council Approves Operational Expenses and Addresses Infrastructure Needs

City of Piedmont Council Regular Meeting

Piedmont, AL – During the Tuesday afternoon Piedmont City Council meeting Mayor Baker informed the Council the operational expenses for the past 3 weeks were $696, 117.14 which included three weeks of payroll. The bills were approved for payment.

The Council discussed four different abatement Resolutions in which all were at different locations that the grass needed to be cut and other clean up situations. The Council adopted all four Resolutions.

Next on the Agenda, City Clerk Hinton told the Council about the necessary repairs needed at the Administration Building. He received a quote from Extermco for $8,950.00. This was approved.

Tim Frost, the Street and Sanitation Supervisor addressed the Council about multiple items. First, Frost told the Council Piedmont has no garbage cans at all. City Clerk Hinton, requested a quote from Schaefer Plastics for 427 cans at a cost of $ 27, 359.26. Then, Frost addressed the Council about purchasing a new Dump Truck. The Council discussed at length about which one to select. After, much discussion the Council chose a 2025 T880 Tri-Axle Dump with a total purchase price of $222, 500.00 from Truckworx of Birmingham and to sell the old dump truck. Frost, then addressed the Council about the Sanitation Department needed to hire two new people. All three of these items passed unanimously.

Bryian Watts, from Piedmont Water/Gas/Sewer addressed the Council about purchasing a WGS –Backhoe. This was tabled for the next meeting.

Nathan Johnson, Chief of Police shared with the Council about his need for a Police Truck.  He told the Council he doesn’t have the appropriate equipment and vehicle. This would allow them to get in a state bid and to order a vehicle. The Council approved his request and will bid on a vehicle for the Chief.

City Clerk Hinton, spoke to the Council about hiring a seasonal person to work 40 hours per week where they might need help. This was approved. Hinton, also said the deed is getting drawn up for Charlie Fagan to sign with the Park.

Mayor Baker, then thanked the hard working employee’s of Piedmont.

The next City Of Piedmont Council Meeting will be May 21st.

City of Piedmont Council Regular Meeting


Mr. Demarco is a reporter for WEIS Radio. (Information Provided by WEIS RADIO)

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