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Piedmont City Council Meeting

Piedmont City Council Meeting

Piedmont, AL – During the Tuesday afternoon Piedmont City Council Meeting Mayor Baker told the Council that the operational expenses were $497, 399 77 since the last Council meeting.

Police Chief Nathan Johnson spoke about the ABC License Transfer to ZNR LLC and which was approved by the Council.

Chief  Johnson ,  told the Council the Piedmont Police Department had a total of 39 arrests on Misdemeanor charges and 9 Felony Charges. Also, the Chief informed the Council there were 25 total abatement cases and 14 calls for animal control.

Interim Fire Chief Cale Donaldson told the Council that there were 94 total calls for the month of August. He also spoke about the different training sessions that had gone on in August .

Mayor Baker commended Chief Nathan Johnson for attaining a milestone in leadership training with JSU. He completed the Certified Law Enforcement Executive Program (CLEEP).

Councilman Greg South brought up the most discussed event of the afternoon. This topic wasn’t on the agenda. But, this was heavily discussed for almost an hour. The topic was how to get trash off the streets? Street and Sanitation Supervisor, Tim Frost, spoke at length about this subject. He stressed his area of sanitation disposal is short handed. The Council and Frost discussed how many weeks should trash pickup be devoted for regular trash and how many should be for household items and  broken furniture and mattresses? It will also weigh heavily when the leaves fall. Tim Frost said that the leaf truck doesn’t work properly. It is a 2006 model. After, back and forth discussion the council and Tim Frost said they would try the three weeks of regular trash pickup and one week household garbage and other items such as mattresses, broken furniture, old clothes, and other items they won’t pickup during the first three weeks. They will see how this goes for a time being.

The next Piedmont City Council will be Tuesday October 3rd.

Mr. Demarco is a reporter for WEIS Radio. (Information Provided by WEIS RADIO)

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