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Piedmont City Council Meeting Revolves Around Fundraising and Grants

Piedmont City Council Meeting Revolves Around Fundraising and Grants

Piedmont, AL – During the Piedmont City Council meeting Tuesday evening, Coach Matthew Yakely met with the Council asking for their permission to hold a Fund Raising Road Block Saturday for the purpose of raising funds to pay for the 11 year old All Star Team to go the Little League World Series in Gulfport Mississippi. Yakley said the funds raised would help pay for the players and their families for hotels and meals. The tournament will be July 11-17th. The Council gave their approval for the event which will be held at the 4 way stop between Young Oil and the tire store.

Brian Watts, Superintendent of Piedmont Water, Gas and Sewer, met with the Council to update them on the progress of a 9 million dollar grant application they are working on to update 7.5 miles of cast iron water line now being used. Watts told the Council they plan on using a grant writing service in order to get the application completed and submitted to the proper Federal Agency. Watts told them this would completely replace the existing cast iron pipes but also upgrade other parts of the water system.

The Council approved the bills for payment in the amount of $489,792.02 and payroll in the amount of $169,048.06 for a total of $630,840.98.

Five resolutions dealing with the City’s Abatement Program were approved. Four of the resolutions covered grass cutting and one was for the removal of an unsafe house.

Former City Councilman, Ben Keller spoke to the Council about an issue he and his family experienced with the City Police. Apparently Keller had been arrested for DUI and found guilty in Municipal Court but has filed an appeal on the conviction. Mayor Baker advised Mr. Keller to speak with Chief Johnson about the matter.

The Council approved $12403 for equipment for a police department 2023 police cruiser. Police Chief Nathan Johnson gave the police report with a total of 47 arrests resulting in 65 misdemeanor charges and 8 felony charges. Officers initiated 742 contacts with the public, issued 61 traffic citations, and worked 8 traffic accidents with officers patrolling 8,663 miles during the month.

Mayor Baker reminded the Council the next City Council meeting will be July 11 due to the 4th of July holiday falling on the regular meeting date.

Piedmont City Council Meeting Revolves Around Fundraising and Grants

Mr. Baker is a reporter for WEIS Radio. (Information Provided by WEIS RADIO)

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