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Piedmont Honors Four Lifeguards who Saved a Young Girl’s Life

Piedmont Honors Four Lifeguards who Saved a Young Girl’s Life

Piedmont, AL – During the Piedmont City Council meeting on Tuesday, the main focus was on four student life guards, who saved a young girls life on June 23 of this year. Luke Rhinehart, Gracie Barber, Sam Tolbert and Tanner Curvin saved a 10-year old girl that was drowning at the Piedmont pool.

Because of their quick reaction and being proactive they were able to full fill their duties as lifeguards and rescue this young girl before she drowned. They were all given plaques and certificates on this true act of heroism. They were honored by the City of Piedmont, Piedmont Police Department, Piedmont Fire Department and the Piedmont Rescue Squad. Their supervisors were given the key to the City of Piedmont too.


Also, in Community Appreciation Nathan Johnson , Chief of Police handed out a letter of Recognition to Lou Winkles Fagan for her dedication to the Piedmont Police.

Mayor Baker brought up to the Council of Resolution Number 2023-22 whereas, the City Council of Piedmont maintains the dilapidated and damaged structures and weeds, tall grass and trash. This resolution passed.

There were no comments by either the Police Chief and the Fire Chief.

The City Clerk Carl Hinton added that the new dumpsters came in.

The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Baker.

The next meeting of the Piedmont City Council will be in two weeks.

Mr. Demarco is a reporter for WEIS Radio. (Information Provided by WEIS RADIO)

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