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Piedmont Library Receives Check for $5,000 at Piedmont City Council Meeting

Piedmont Library Receives Check for $5,000

Piedmont, AL – During the recent Piedmont City Council work session, State Representative Mark Gidley met with the Council to present a check to the Library in the Amount of $5,000.  Librarian Tessa Maddox and her assistants accepted the check.

During the regular Council meeting, the Rec Desk software program was approved for the Parks & Recreation Department in the amount of $4,300 for the first year licensing fee – and the 2nd year will be $5,800.  Parks and Rec Supervisor, Jeff Formby, informed the council members that the program will enhance the department’s ability to provide on-line registration for the City’s Sports Programs – and also provide more services for the citizens.

Police Chief Nathan Johnson gave his department’s report with 42 arrests on 57 misdemeanor charges – and 25 felony charges. There were 556 Officer initiated contacts and they also issued 66 traffic citations, worked 8 traffic accidents – and patrolled a total of 8,099 miles.  City Court Collections during the month of September came to $16,259.47 with the City retaining a total of $5,827.67

Fire Chief Cale Donaldson gave the Department’s report with a total of 117 calls, 76 were rescue and emergency medical calls, 6 fires, 2 hazardous, no fire calls, 20 service calls, and 10 Good intent calls and also 3 false alarms.

Mayor Baker told the Council, Piedmont received notification from the Governor’s Office that the Recreational Trails Grant has been approved for the Chief Ladiga Trail improvements – in the amount of $350,000. That grant will be administered by ADECA.

Piedmont Library Receives Check for $5,000


Mr. Baker is a reporter for WEIS Radio. (Information Provided by WEIS RADIO)

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