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Piedmont Police Officers Delivering Abatement Letters to Citizens Discussed at City Council Meeting

Piedmont Police Officers Delivering Abatement Letters to Citizens
*House in photo not in Piedmont

Piedmont, AL – During the Piedmont City Council meeting on Tuesday afternoon Police Chief Nathan Johnson informed the Mayor and Council the city officers are now delivering abatement letters to residence who are not in compliance with city ordinance on over grown grass, weeds and trash. Chief Johnson said they will give these residents ample time to take care of the situation. But, they must be proactive and get it handled to avoid prosecution.

Chief Johnson presented the Mayor and Council with a quote of to replace officers duty weapons. The quote for fourteen handguns was a total cost of $ 3500. The Council approved the request. The Council then approved a resolution declaring the current fourteen duty weapons as surplus and will be sold to GT Distributor.


A handicapped citizen spoke to the Council during public comment period about his inability to safely navigate the city’s sidewalks and from sidewalks to crosswalks due to lack of wheelchair ramps. He also shared his frustration with the city’s public transportation mini-bus to provide transportation to medical appointments. Mayor Baker told the resident that they would look into this from all aspects and see what can be done.

The Fire Chief gave the Fire Department report for the month of June. There were four hazardous condition calls, 11 service calls, 6 fire, 3 good intent call, 5 false alarm and false call, 1 special incident type and responded to 74 rescue and emergency medical service incidents. He reported that several firefighters had participated in training.

The Police Chief gave the police department report for the month of June. There we’re a total of 27 arrests on 34 misdemeanor charges 9 felony charges. Officers conducted 563 officer initiated contacts with the public, issued 59 traffic citations, and worked 7 traffic accidents. Officers were dispatched 289 calls for service and of those calls 87 resulted in a report being filed. Officers patrolled 7512 miles during the month. The dispatch office received 2413 calls, dispatched 433 rescue calls 112 fire calls and 10 after hour utility calls. The city court collections for June was 16,602.66 and 6108 was retained by the city.

The Council approved bills for payment in the amount of $183,732.37 and $62,721.03 for payroll.

Piedmont Police Officers Delivering Abatement Letters to Citizens
*House in photo not in Piedmont

Mr. Demarco is a reporter for WEIS Radio. (Information Provided by WEIS RADIO)

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