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Piedmont Residents Speak Out Against Utilities Rate Increase

Piedmont Residents Speak Out Against Utilities Rate Increase

Piedmont, AL – Piedmont City Council Meeting

Piedmont Residents Speak Out Against Utilities Rate Increase
Piedmont Residents Speak Out Against Utilities Rate Increase

An overflow crowd attended the Piedmont City Council meeting on Tuesday to voice their concerns, over the 30% rate increase in utility bills which took effect on November 1st  billing.

Keith Word was one of those who addressed the Council questioning the rate increase basis, rate studies, and other factors that could have been used to determine the 30% rate increase was needed or justified.

Many others questioned the lack of communications about the rate increase until it was approved and questioned the basis for the rate increase. During the almost two hour time allowed for the public comments, the discussions were heated and contentious at times. At the end of the night, more questions were left unanswered. For now the utilities rate increase remains in effect.  The extended meeting lasted 3 hours.

During the regular meeting of the Council, a parking ordinance addendum was adopted, premium for the school insurance in the amount of $124,694 was approved for payment. The Mayor Proclaimed the week of November 17th through November 23rd as Farm City Week in the City. The bills were approved for payment in the amount of $545,382 with 3 weeks of payroll in the amount of $201665.72 for a total of $747,047.72.

A Resolution accepting the Recreational Trails Program for improvements to the Chief Ladiga Trail was approved. The total project cost for the upgrades is %570,303 with the Grant covering $350,000 and the City paying the remaining $220,303 from ARPA funds.

The next meeting of the Piedmont City Council is scheduled for November 21st at 5:30 pm in the Council Chambers.


Mr. Baker is a reporter for WEIS Radio. (Information Provided by WEIS RADIO)

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