Happening Now

October 13, 2021  
Lee Evancho  

Work Session

The first subject discussed at the work session was with guest speaker Gail Whitfield. Ms. Whitfield owns the property at 809 Jacksonville Street that is currently slated to be added to the demolition list. Ms. Whitfield apologized for the disrepair of the property and for her lack of attention. She inherited this property from her mother who passed from COVID in September. She personally lives in Boaz so she doesn’t see the property and wasn’t fully aware of the condition. She has already had the tree removed from the yard and has begun major cleanup inside the house. She provided pictures to document her progress as well. She requested 90 days to get the property up to code. Her intent is to sell the home once work is completed. She also agreed to only use contractors who are licensed in the city of Weaver. The council agreed to add this item to the agenda. 

Joey Conger was at the meeting after being out with knee replacement surgery. While he was away, he stayed in communication with the public works department and employees. The Mayor complimented him on how well the department ran and thanked Mr. Conger for his commitment while away.  The main area of concern was the water project. He has spoken with the engineers and has been evaluating the water production. There are concerns with well two and well four. Currently well three is producing almost all the water for the city. There is concern that well two is possibly going dry. He stated that the city needs to start the process of locating a new water source and location for a new well. In addition, he noted that the lead time for equipment is roughly 52 weeks, so ordering a replacement generator for well three is something that needs to happen quickly. 

Councilman McRae asked if there were littering signs in the city notating that there are fines. He was concerned with the amount of trash he was seeing. He indicated he wanted to start a program or campaign to try to clean up Weaver a bit. He will communicate with Bill Bunn in Oxford who runs the Keep Oxford Beautiful program about some ideas for a similar program in Weaver. 

Chief Bunn noted that the fire house project is moving forward and sheet rocking should start within two weeks. He also notes that Alabama Power is wanting to enlarge the substation and will be redoing the driveway at the substation. He hopes they can coordinate with the city’s planned road improvements. 

Councilwoman Hamby wanted to discuss the pet tethering ordnance that is currently started to be voted on. She met with the city attorney and forwarded the proposed ordnance to the Chiefs. There was much discussion on the language and the intent behind the ordnance. The intent is to protect the animals of Weaver. It is not to punish pet owners who keep outside pets. The ordnance is to make sure all animals have shelter/shade, water, food, adequate room to move, and are not tethered in a way that is harmful to the pet. In addition, any animals tethered should not be allowed to encroach upon other property. The decision was made to rework the language of the ordnance and to simplify it to be more enforceable and to reflect the intent. 

City Council Meeting

  • Call to Order
  • Invocation
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Roll Call
    • Councilman Clint Burns – Present
    • Councilman Tim McRae – Present
    • Councilwoman Cathy Hamby – Present
    • Counciman Nick Bowles – Present
    • Mayor Pro-Tem Jeff Clendenning – Present
  • Adoption of Agenda – Unanimously Approved
    • Add – 809 Jacksonville St Postponement for 90 days
  • Adoption Minutes – Unanimously Approved
  • Department Reports
    • Public Works  – Joey Conger mentioned an issue with a right of way at Lett and Dogwood. A letter has been requested detailing the need and required information.
    • Police Department – No report
    • Fire Department/Code Enforcement – The firehouse progress is continuing and the AL Power substation will be getting improvements this spring. 
    • Administrative Department – no report
  • Council Reports
    • Clint Burns – no report
    • Tim McRae – no report
    • Cathy Hamby – no report
    • Nick Bowles – no report
    • Jeff Clendenning – The Weaver band recently participated in a competition where they dominated in their field. He would like to do something to honor their accomplishments.A discussion was held about presenting something at the Weaver Christmas parade. 
  • Old Business
    • Pet Tethering Ordinance – Tabled to next meeting – Unanimously Approved
  • New Business
    • 809 Jacksonville Street Demo Postponement – Unanimously Approved
  • Spirit of Weaver
    • The Christmas Parade will be headed by the Council. Each member will be in charge of a specific area. This will be discussed a the next work session. 
  • Mayor’s Report
    • The SplashPad is set to move forward as soon as materials arrive. There are delays due to COVID. 
  • Public Comments – none
  • Adjournment – Unanimously Approved
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