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Zoning Discussions Take Center Stage: Anniston, AL City Council Meeting and Work Session Recap – April 2nd, 2024

Anniston City Council

Anniston, AL – The city of Anniston held the regular scheduled work session and city council meeting on April 2nd, 2024.



Work Session

  1. Travel/ Training Reimbursement
    1. Blake McCurry, Fire, $124.81 while attending Extrication Instructor Update in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, February 12-13, 2024
  2. Alcohol License Application
    1. A 140-Special Events Retail Liquor for the City of Anniston dba Noble Street Festival located at 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th Noble, Wilmer, Gurnee, Atlanta and Moore Streets.
    2. Retail Beer (Off Premises Only) and Retail Table Wine (Off Premises Only) for Nilkanth21 LLC dba Express Mart 25 located inside the city limits at 1229 Wilmer Avenue, Anniston, AL 36201
  3. Surplus Vehicles
    1. Request from Public Works Department to surplus two (2) John Deere Slope Mowers
  4. Street Vacations
    1. Proposed Vacation of Right-of-Way of Mary Lane
      1. Being removed from the agenda.
  5. Grants
    1. The City of Anniston jointly applies with Calhoun County for the USDOT Grant Opportunity for FY24 Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A), which would require a 20% match.
      1. The accountant will be applying for a $350,000 grant. What is needed is a letter of agreement.
  6. Zoning
    1.  Zoning Ordinance Draft
      1. The date for public hearing will be May 21st with a followup hearing and vote at the first meeting in June. Also a request was made to keep this on the work session agenda so more discussion can be held.
      2. A few corrections were noted with the current draft. Councilwoman Harris discussed about the need to make downtown Anniston family friendly and in the past changes haven’t held true to that. She also noted that there is an age restriction of 21 on all vape stores. She also had concerns with multiple existing businesses being upset about the proposed changes and that the city has to respect the investment they have made under certain zoning guidelines and changing the zoning could impact businesses that are exciting.
      3. Councilman Roberts stated as elected official it is important to always work on taking the next step. He stressed he loves the businesses we have downtown, but he questioned if those business are able to sustain the city. He felt that that while they had to work to make sure businesses weren’t devalued he also thinks it is important to welcome all to downtown and not limit businesses to only one type. Also he didn’t want current businesses owners to be able to dictate what businesses can and cannot come to downtown.
      4. Councilwoman Smith stressed that code enforcement is present to make sure businesses follow guidelines. She noted there were points she wants to review, but she didn’t want to automatically block businesses off hand. She noted the ability to revoke businesses licensees. She also noted that children weren’t going to buy frames so all businesses will cater to certain demographics. She thinks it is important to make sure no criminal activity is occurring.
      5. Councilwoman Harris brought up the strategic plan and the desire for shopping and safety. She really wants to protect the business core. She has an issue with cashing lights in the historic district. She thinks protecting the city is very important, and acknowledged that there is a fine line between protecting the area and not dissuading new businesses. She also asked about if code enforcement could handle monitoring new businesses.
      6. Councilman Jenkins said that a healthy and successful downtown has to have a balance of day and night activity. He acknowledged it is tricky. He really stressed a balance and that both sides of the aisle had to work to accepting that.
  7. The updated plan for the SAIL program was presented.

City Council 


  • Invocation
  • Pledge Of Allegiance
  • Call To Order
  • Roll Call
    • Mayor Jack Draper – Absent
    • Ward 1 Councilman Jay Jenkins – Present
    • Ward 2 Councilman Demetric D. Roberts – Present 
    • Ward 3 Councilwoman Ciara Smith – Present
    • Ward 4 Councilwoman Millie Harris – Present

Anniston City Council

  • Reading/Approval of Minutes of Previous Meetings – Unanimously  Approved 
  • Additions/Deletions to the Agenda  – None
    • Delete: Receive public comments regarding the proposed Zoning Ordinances
      • This hearing will be rescheduled for May 21st.
  • Adoption of Agenda – Unanimously  Approved
  • Recognitions

PARD Basketball Recognitions

  • Public Hearing – None
  • Unfinished Business – None
  • Consent Agenda – Unanimously  Approved
    • Resolution authorizing reimbursements to city officials for expenses incurred while traveling away from the City.
    • Resolution dealing equipment as surplus and authorizing their sale.
    • Motion to approve a 140-Special Events Retail Liquor for the City of Anniston DBA Nobel Street Festival located at 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th, Noble, Wilmer, Gurnee, Atlanta, and Moore Streets.
    • Motion to approve a Retail Beer (Off Premises Only) and Retail Table Wine (Off Premises Only) for Nilkanth21 LLC dba Express Mart 25 located inside the city limits at 1229 Wilmer Avenue, Anniston, AL 36201
    • Motion to award the bid for Re-roofing of Anniston Fire Station #4, 1923 Cooper Ave to Alabama Roofing in the amount of $205,200.00 for the base bid.
  • Additional or Other Matters That May Come Before the Council – None
  • Public Comments – None
  • Council Comments
    • Councilman Jenkins highlighted and thanked the staff for all they do to make the city great. He also mentioned the Noble Street Festival on the 13th. Congratulated Donoho Girls and Boys soccer for their wins.
    • Councilmen Roberts – Thanked all for coming out and thanked the staff. He stressed how much the city is growing.
    • Councilwoman Harris encouraged all to enjoy the weather and get outside. She also invited all to come out next weekend for the festival.
    • Councilwoman Smith pointed out the need to support local businesses such as Below Zero Creamery, Besitos Mexican, Rack and Roll, and Sinclair Social. She also stressed the SAIL program and suggested that anyone who could benefit please take advantage of it. She also asked all to keep Mayor Draper in thier prayers.
  • Adjournment – Unanimously  Approved


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